Does the purchase of 'things' for the van ever really end?. We keep saying "that's it" but along comes another good idea usually involving $$$$. Just received the approval for a subsidised sat phone - THEN THAT'S IT
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
I don't think that analogy is just for vans either. We're always finding something new to buy for our camping set up. But sure is fun buying new toys :D
Darling wouldn't an EPIRB or a SPOT be a better option than a sat phone? Darling been a single lady dont carry a sat phone but do carry a current model EPIRB and two parachute flares which Jacko keeps in date. Theres so many people travelling these days there are always folk around with VKS737 HF network.
dont leave till next year what you can do this year next year may never come
Darling wouldn't an EPIRB or a SPOT be a better option than a sat phone? Darling been a single lady dont carry a sat phone but do carry a current model EPIRB and two parachute flares which Jacko keeps in date. Theres so many people travelling these days there are always folk around with VKS737 HF network.
thanks Jacko but where we intend going there are not always people around and will be out of phone range for weeks at a time and we want the family to be able to contact us in an emergency and hang the cost. The death of a grandchild last Dec would have been terrible for the family if they could not contact us and so we have decided that contact is a priority - an EPIRB or flares would have been useless in that situation.
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
Does the purchase of 'things' for the van ever really end?. We keep saying "that's it" but along comes another good idea usually involving $$$$. Just received the approval for a subsidised sat phone - THEN THAT'S IT
Not only the purchase of "things" for the van, but getting rid of "things" which were not as suitable/useful as we'd expected. I think we have almost a shedful which my partner thinks might be useful "one day". Such is life!
Does the purchase of 'things' for the van ever really end?. We keep saying "that's it" but along comes another good idea usually involving $$$$. Just received the approval for a subsidised sat phone - THEN THAT'S IT
Darling the Delorme inReach are due in Australia December/January. Darling Jacko should have one mid November and will post the details when it arrives.
Send, receive text messages from beyond cell phone range Receive delivery confirmation Enable remote tracking Unique interactive SOS Pair with PN-60w or Android phone or use inReach by itself
dont leave till next year what you can do this year next year may never come
Jacko, there's necessity, need and want. Then there comes priority and common sense (which is not so common). What suits one will not suit another. A subsidised sat phone would be a better investment for all round communication. I'm not sure what the gadget is to which you add a link, but it's also about availability and initial outlay. To each his/her own according to the individual circumstances.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Jacko, there's necessity, need and want. Then there comes priority and common sense (which is not so common). What suits one will not suit another. A subsidised sat phone would be a better investment for all round communication. I'm not sure what the gadget is to which you add a link, but it's also about availability and initial outlay. To each his/her own according to the individual circumstances.
Darling Grumpy Grouch Granny if you took the trouble to peruse the link and check out the price and options the unit would meet most peoples needs. Darling how would you know a satellite phone would be a better investment. Darling Grumpy Grouch Granny a sat phone is a substantially higher investment and monthly charge whereas the unit linked to is inexpensive to buy and monthly charge is inexpensive compared to a satellite phone and the unit offers two way communication. Darling Grumpy Grouch Granny thought forums were about trying to assist people with various options. Darling Grumpy Grouch Granny suggest remaining silent is the best option when you dont have a clue or take the time to view and understand material.
dont leave till next year what you can do this year next year may never come
I am neither your darling nor am I grumpy. I did take the trouble to peruse the link and check out the unit. I still don't understand how it works, but I do know how sat phone works. I'm a very practical, logical person, and I would research all options if I was in that communication market. Attacking me won't make me remain silent. Don't criticise what you don't know, "darling". They both serve totally different communication purposes, and what suits one will not suit the other. There are options, people make choices, and I like to hear about the options and why people make the choice they do. I'm here to learn and contribute. Peace darling, for heaven's sake. Peace.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Does the purchase of 'things' for the van ever really end?. We keep saying "that's it" but along comes another good idea usually involving $$$$. Just received the approval for a subsidised sat phone - THEN THAT'S IT
Darling the Delorme inReach are due in Australia December/January. Darling Jacko should have one mid November and will post the details when it arrives.
Send, receive text messages from beyond cell phone range Receive delivery confirmation Enable remote tracking Unique interactive SOS Pair with PN-60w or Android phone or use inReach by itself
Doesnt look cheep to me @ $249 then needing an android phone to go with it aswell.
What did we do before mobile and sat phones? we lived without them if for some reason (health etc) you must be in phone reach then consider any option, if not life can be a lot more enjoyable without a phone to bug you. Back to the topic, There is always something new to buy, it looks great and seems like a good idea at the time but more often than not it gets used a few times then relegated to the back of a cupboard and just takes up room. (Been there done that and still doing it). For most things if you lived without it before you can easily live without it after.
What an interesting looking item. I am not technically minded, but it reads like it is a cross between a GPS and a sat phone. Certainly a lot cheaper than a sat phone. I see that the map downloads available are North American ones: wonder if the company will make other areas available?
I'm currently in the market for a roof rack mounted side awning. Indigo Camping seem to have the version which suits me best, for the right price. There's a camping and fishing show in Adelaide this weekend, so I'm going to see what's there in the way of awnings and gadgets. If there's a useful gadget to add to my collection, I might make a purchase. These days I'm living 2 lives. The normal one in the van. Then there's the one on the road when I'm working. That's where the awning will come in handy. It would also be very useful for the random camping weekend. I have a camp bed with a tent over it, and the awning would give me added protection as I sleep under the stars between Rosy and the low loader I'm escorting.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
We reached the point some years ago where we were just lugging a heap of "useful things" around that never got used so since then we have been chucking stuff OUT of the van and camping setups and lightening the load.
Our only purchase these days are to replace breakages or sometimes to replace a heavy or complex item with a lightweight or simpler thing.
Satphones - excellent idea though. Especially if you can qualify for the subsidy.
You are so right, bottomless hole, cost of purchases never ending. I am going to try and stay at home this weekend and get some work done on Myrtle. I have all the purchases, just waiting to get them all fitted. It is getting too hard to keep going out camping with nothing working.
Sadly, 'working for a living' gets in the way of friday shopping.
It turns out I won't be going on Friday, nor any other day. I'll be working again, on the road to Lyndhurst. It's raining in Adelaide, but I don't think it's gone that far north to muck up the roads.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.