We plan to do the "big one" early next year for an indefinite time and wonder if anyone has ideas of smallish crafty items as apreciation gifts - often someone is kind to us and we like to say thanks - I do various crafts and can sew and always have a supply of pot mits and food covers with me but would like some new ideas - what would you suggest?
Sorry, I'm not very crafty, but my friends are. One knits socks/slippers that can be worn in the caravan. They keep your feet warm, and don't take up much room.
I have "Happy Bags', Into a small drawstring bag I put things such as a smiley face, a tissue to wipe away the tears (of laughter), an eraser to make your mistakes disappear, a piece of string to hold yourself together when things fall apart, and other things. You can put in anything you think would put a smile on someones face.
I leave a stamped and addressed envelope so that I may receive donations from the people who have had the pleasure of my company.
Hmmmmm ... wish I hadda thought of that .... do you have a set price dependent on the duration of "pleasure" ... or do you just leave up to the generosity of the donator??
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
I have "Happy Bags', Into a small drawstring bag I put things such as a smiley face, a tissue to wipe away the tears (of laughter), an eraser to make your mistakes disappear, a piece of string to hold yourself together when things fall apart, and other things. You can put in anything you think would put a smile on someones face.
Fantastic idea Fairy. Could do with one of your "Happy Bags" about now too.
At home I give home-grown fruit or vegs, or home made jam. None of these travel well, so if a small gift is required its usually a souvenir teatowel, or a bottle of "something nice" with a card.
Peg bags are another great idea DA. I also look for hand towels, darker coloured ones (no white backs) but with the crocheted hanging tag on the side so that they don't hang too low.
Love your bookmarks Womby...they are beautiful and most unexpected from a wombat!!!!!
Wow, what a great response, thankyou all so much - now I have to get my skates on and get moving so I have a supply of goodies before we get away. I really like this Forum and we'll certainly be using the tips and ideas on our trip, once again thanks. Delma
I love those bookmarks Wombat- drop by so I can get one.
Me, I love crochet and always have something on the go (currently its a dining room tablecloth).
I have made things like book marks, kitchen towel etc, and I normally have a stash of nicely edged facewashers. I love doilies and although they are a bit old fashioned now I sometimes make them from thick string for use under pot plants.
The most popular things are the cup-of-needles. I get the old mugs/cups from charity shops, fill with polyester stuffing, top with a chocheted circle sealed with hot glue. easy..... doesn't even have to be crocheted as felt would work as well.
I use one to store my crochet hooks- just made the top a bit more open than the needle/pin top.