Hi everyone
Just back from my first solo trip. Went to the Majors Creek Folk Festival.
I wanted to thank you ~ and the members of the solo forum~ for your encouragement and advice.
You're right, people are very friendly on the road.My ice lastest for the whole time - thanks you your expertise
Zj ))))
Rarin' to go
Hi Elle
Majors Creek Festival was tremendous. So many friendly people. Unfortunately it is now going to be held every two years.
Also learnt a few tips from fellow travellers and on my list to save for are:
a jumpstart kit, Inverter and a bullseye as it took a while to get the van level - it looked ok but the first night sleeping was not very comfortable.
Bought excellent cryovac meat from Murrays Butcher in Goulburn and the IGA in Braidwood stocks an excellent range of gluten free foods.