thanks so much for your well wishes, i had a wonderful time with my daughter gosh i realy like geelong the old buildings are amazing and i did so much walking was supposed to be relaxing but hey what the heck i was just basking in the limelight so to speak with my friend ann and seeing my daughter and her partner.
My daughter lives on bribie island but attends uni at geelong but shes moving down that way for good next year so i shall miss her.
ok enough with that now the what is going on with me,ive been to the docs several times, they have taken cores, taken cells and cant come up with an answer the dye stain they use on the cells is not dropping to 100 percent melanoma, so then there was talk of going in again for another biopsy, but today i went to see a Dr Justin Darcy at Buderim Private, im not in a fund but paid to see this guy who apparently would do me good to go sit and talk to.
So now it seems he said that when we got the melanoma last year we had gotten taken out was wondeful news, and it seemed that we had caught it on time and all ,this doc said you know you would have to be highly unlucky that this melanoma has caused the egg shaped lump (2 lumps) in your groin area, but it is a possibility because they are not scientists and he seems to think its either that or could be lymphoma ,but once again mostly more than anything i have to get into surgery and we are going to take it one step at a time from there.
Its has been a nightmare ive been eating and it just comes out the other end due to stress,he said that is quite reasonable ,i also have a feeling of bruising around the hip area and into one butt cheek ,it is so weird, and the feeling of deep heat rubbed all over that region and where the groin area is, doc says that is the blood being pumped to it and you think about it (so he says ) when the body is trying to expell something it warms the blood up.
So we are now on a list to wait for me to get into a public hospital could be 2 weeks could be 30 days.
our hospital system at the moment is a disaster, so i sit patiently and wait now ,trying not to worry ,but hey easier said than done ,but i do want to say you are all a wonderful bunch, if its lymphoma im only a tiny thing so i dont know the outcome of that as of yet if they take one node, the chances of the large leg to drag around are small but if they take more than one ,the chances then start to become awful,i also have a terrible back and neck so im praying that doesnt happen, they also said you dont have chemo for a melanoma there are other forms of treatment so that is a good sign.
As soon as i know what is going on i will let you guys know until then stay safe ,keep smiling and remember take each day as it comes do as you please ,life is one big suprise after another.
Will be keeping fingers crossed for you glassies, that it doesn't take too long to get into hospital to get this sorted. Big hugs and prayers for a positive outcome. All the best.
Sometimes, there are no words, I am going ok at the moment, so any luck and good fortune that is owing to me, I give it All to you, God bless, and you fight girl.
Thanks for updating us Della. Hope you don't have to wait too long. My friends are still waiting for they're call. Just hope his blood count doesn't go down too far before then, or there will be no BM Transplant.
thanks once again guys ,geesh where would a person be without those words ,makes one feel very special, cant wait to catch up with you jim and leonie (just cruisin) havent had the chance to get to meet you yet either sheba but the day will come.
that bbq is sounding great just cruisin your on there, ill bring the coronas :)
ill keep you all posted as we go along hey thats the best i can do, but truly you are all just the most amazing bunch and yes i am a fighter and i wont be going out without a big shout ,in fact iwont be going out at all ,i wont let this happen.
And to all of you stay safe, enjoy your life ,enjoy your travels, make sure you take an extra look at that gorgeous tree ,that lovely rose in your garden anything because when something like this happens it sure does make you see things differently.
Hang in there and keep up the positive spirits, no matter what bottle they come in. I really want to know how much can the human body put us through? Our brain sits on top of this machine we know nothing about which breaks down, breaks up and breaks, and we have no idea what it is, nor how to fix it. We feel the pain, the discomfort and whatever symptoms are inflicted upon us, yet we don't know what's wrong or how to fix it. The human body is an amazing machine, and by the grace of medical science we have the chance to live longer, healthier, happier lives. And your turn will come. Hang in there.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Am thinking of you Della like everyone on here. It must be horrible having to wat and wait and not even know how you you have to wait. This health system doesn't look after our well being needs at all. I hope it gets easier for you. Will be checking for updates every day and sending you lots of positive energy....
Good news, have a pre op appointment tuesday 9/15 am some one cancelled if i hadnt have had the cancel it would not have happened till december and thats just the pre op session so yahooo one good piece of news so far hey lets hope it only gets better.
have had some stabbing pains in the area today so not even so sure if im gonna end up hanging in there till tuesday if they get worse im gonna get to hospital.
thank you to everbody ill certainly let you know what is going on all the best to you all xx
Good news, have a pre op appointment tuesday 9/15 am some one cancelled if i hadnt have had the cancel it would not have happened till december and thats just the pre op session so yahooo one good piece of news so far hey lets hope it only gets better.
have had some stabbing pains in the area today so not even so sure if im gonna end up hanging in there till tuesday if they get worse im gonna get to hospital.
thank you to everbody ill certainly let you know what is going on all the best to you all xx
You hang in there Della we are all praying for your speedy recovery.
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
My very best wishes to you Glassies. And thank you, I'd been wondering about private health insurance, should we keep paying it etc, and you have made me realise how important it is!!!
Hi Della, So good to hear that you got your pre op interview that surely means not much longer before you get a bed available to you. Take care our prayers and thoughts are with you stay positive Helena
funny you should say that gerty dancer about the private health issue, honestly ive heard so many good and bad stories, and of course now i have had this they will not cover me at all now.
but i have a friend who has bionic ears and he recently went in to have them upgraded and it still cost him 12,000 even though he pays into private health fund.
my best mate died from a tumour i her head ,she had it and they took it out ten years later it came back with avengance, hubby had her in a private health fund and he reckons they were hopeless and she ended up in public the very last day she was alive, he keep her at home until then and nursed her .
yep i hear good and bad ,so not so sure about joining a fund for hubby or what to do .
I worked in the private health regulation area as a commonwealth public servant and I can tell you with certainity that private health insurance is a rip off and a total dysfunctional sector from a business perspective which depends on government to subsidise it to an obscene level - that's our tax dollars gurgling down the drain there. There are many examples like Ma has said and I experienced a similar one where my partner and I had the same operation and mine cost a fortune because I had private insurance. And the bills kept oming for months afterwards. Unbelievable!!!
I fully believe you get better care from the public system.
The only thing insurance is good for is hit and run so if you know you are going to need a knee replacement or laser eye treatment, or expensive dental work or similar, join up for the required period and that will save you being put on a long waiting list. Anything urgent or life threatening generally gets treated more efficiently through the public system.
Back onto topic, good news about the cancellation Della and all my thoughts are with you.
I can hear what you're all saying but I swear by our Private Health Insurance. We have well and truly got our moneys worth. I would much rather be in a private room with a chance to cut the rest of the world out with the close of a door than go through some of the things I have in a 2 or 4 bed ward. We are not well off by any means and illnesses over the years has meant the sale of many extras e.g block of land, caravan, etc. but I would much rather know that there is going to be a bed available in the very near future rather than be on a trolley in a passage way for hours while they try and find you a spot. I also appreciate being able to stay an extra day if need be rather be rushed out because they need the bed. Money is no good to you if you're not around to enjoy it. In the perfect world, treatment should be available to all of us when we need it. But we all know this world isn't perfect unfortunately. People in Della's position should have priority. Not have to wait months , years to get the help everybody deserves.
Positive thoughts are flowing like a river to you Della from this forum. Lets hope it does some good.