Don't panic Milo, If the baddies get caught and they have hurt somebody real bad, the court will give them a 2 year good behaviour bond ?? and if they killed someone, look out they may get a 3 year good behavior bond ??
I know what you mean Milo, But it is the world we live in today, we just do not punish criminals any more and if we do they go to modern gaols with all the Mod cons, and comfort, so there is no detterent, I for one would gladly pay more tax, if they use it to build more prisons, real ones like the old pentridge, I am sure they would not like going there and they might change their ways, but the do-gooders will stick their beak in as usual !!
We just had a big survey in Victoria 18000 people surveyed and the large majority wanted big changes to make our judges give bigger and longer sentences, but the do-gooders came out today saying the survey was a Sham, and the ''wrong people responded, and that most people want less sentencing and more rehabilition, WHAT HOPE DO WE HAVE
OH, by the way, do not exceed the speed limit by more than 5 klm an hour, as that will make you a real criminal, and you will be punished
Sorry to rave on mate ! but like you i do not like what the streets are becoming, and the goverment will not do anything because of the $$$
I agree Dazren. There are some terrible people out there. If you have nothing, then the prospect of going to gaol is no deterrent. They are just joining a lot of their mates where they are living better than they do outside. Unfortunately, they cannot build enough gaols and the upkeep for everyone that should go there. I don't know what the answer would be.
I get angry with this subject chi chi. about 2 years ago my good mate took his wife to crown casino in melb for their anniversary,
when they were crossing the bridge, they were approached by a youth who was begging for money, when he refused the request [ politely ] the youth was joined by a group of his friends, and my mate got a really good beating and kicking, put off work for 6 weeks, and his wife was held back and recieved cuts and bruises, Security apprehended the youth, and held him for the police, He went to court 8 months later, [ with legal aid ] and guess what, 3RD offence for the same type of crime, 18 MONTHS GOOD BEHAVIOR BOND, this type of crime is Very Common around the Melb city area,
I wish I'd seen the original thread. These days, every time we step foot outside, and sometimes inside, our personal safety is at risk. Not because of anything we do to provoke the violence, but because someone who can't be bothered conforming to society and getting a job, decides they want what we have worked hard for. Now what happend to the gun laws? Don't they apply to Vic and NSW? All we hear on the news is "drive by shootings", people shot "at random" on the street, etc. Breaking the law seems to be more prevalent than abiding by the law. These crooks and murderers go to gaol, get together with their partners in crime, to be "rehabilitated" to return to society, or are released on bail or a good behaviour bond. The only people discriminated against are child molesters and similar scums of the earth.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Something wrong with our system and priorities somewhere.
Pensioners live below the poverty line and cannot get housing, or decent medical treatment.
Prisoners get luxury free board AND medical treatment, plus education, etc.
Maybe our pensioners should start robbing and mugging people to get a better lifesyle?
Recently we where in Kuala Lumpa, drove past the prison. Our guide made a point of pointing it out saying that "nobody" volunteered to go into their prisons.
Something wrong with our system and priorities somewhere.
Pensioners live below the poverty line and cannot get housing, or decent medical treatment.
Prisoners get luxury free board AND medical treatment, plus education, etc.
Maybe our pensioners should start robbing and mugging people to get a better lifesyle?
Recently we where in Kuala Lumpa, drove past the prison. Our guide made a point of pointing it out saying that "nobody" volunteered to go into their prisons.
On look, confirmed it for me!
What sort of treatment do you think the 'pensioners' in Malaysia (KL) get? I'm pretty sure they don't exist there - the elderly rely on their families or cold hard charity. Australia's Medicare system is up there with the world's best in providing treatment for all, maybe you'd rather try your luck in the land of the free.
hmm, i think im going to give travelling a miss for a while, my heart,heads not into it.. maybe down the track when i have the gear or set up i want, if it ever happens
I have been an avid sporting shooter for 35+ years gun laws do exist but they only apply to the law abiding gun owners. The crims are not affected by gun laws because the do not obey any laws.
You can ban all guns in Aussie but the low lifes will still have theirs.
Maybe the Government should give a gun carry license to all old age pensioners so we can protect ourselves from the ferrals roaming the streets and breaking into our houses
I know theres some low-lifes in our country, and theres an awful lot of people who just dont realise how lucky we are to live here. Those who whinge about pensions and other government benefits aught to try managing without them, as happens overseas.
Has anybody been watching "go back where you came from" on SBS? Why do you think so many people risk their lives trying to get here?
What's the alternative to "do-gooders"? "Do badders, do nothing". Most so called "do-gooders" are doing what they do for what they think are the right reasons. Whilst not a bleeding heart, I don't believe everything can be solved with a big stick. Most of us (not all) were brought up by a unique generation of parents and benefitted from their work ethic and humility. Having seen first hand the living/socio-economic conditions of some of our younger generation I'm almost surprised that some turn out as well as they do and are credits to and themselves and our society.
Whilst sometimes aghast at the leniency of judges' sentences we are also not cognisant of the circumstances surrounding that decision.