Management Circular 41/2011New club entry rules in force for RSLmembers and Defence personnel
Legislation granting current serving and ex-service Australian Defence Force personnel entry to RSL and services clubs as honorary members without the need to sign-in is now in force in New South Wales, as well as Victoria and Queensland.Under the newly introduced NSW provisions, service members of the RSL and current serving Australian Defence Force personnel (including Reservists who also carry the same card) are granted honorary membership status for the day they attend the club on producing either their Defence Force ID card, or for ex-servicemen and women their membership card of the Returned & Services League Australia, which is now uniform across the country.It will be a requirement that members of the RSL also produce evidence of membership of at least one RSL or services club.The new rule applies to RSL, Services, Ex-services, Memorial, Legion or other similar registered clubs, or a registered club that has objects similar to, or is amalgamated with, a RSL or kindred club.
To assist the smooth introduction of the new provisions a copy of the NSW RSL membership card is attached for the information of club reception staff.The card stipulates in the bottom left corner whether the card holder is a Service Member of the RSL.It may also denote that the holder is a Life Member or Life Subscriber Member, both of which are recognized under this provision.Queensland RSL Members have a similar card, and the RSL Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania membership card also notes the club of which they are a member.The recognition of this honorary status will bring NSW into line with similar requirements which already exist inand which have also just been passed in .
The NSW provisions were introduced by the new State Government in recognition of the service by our current Defence and ex-service men and women to their country.It will now allow the RSL and Defence Force members easy access to RSL and services clubs as they travel around the state and in Victoria and Queensland.The new legislation carries forward the previous provision allowing such honorary members to sign in their family and friends.
Reciprocal rights for RSL members has been a long-term goal of the Association.Due to the array of loyalty programs operating in clubs, it will be up to individual clubs as to whether they extend to these honorary members discounts on food and beverage purchases similar to that which they already provide to their club members and which some clubs already recognise.
Do not hesitate to call the Association should you have any questions on the operation of this new legislation.Graeme Carroll Chief Executive Officer
It will be a requirement that members of the RSL also produce evidence of membership of at least one RSL or services club. The new rule applies to RSL, Services, Ex-services, Memorial, Legion or other similar registered clubs, or a registered club that has objects similar to, or is amalgamated with, a RSL or kindred club. . .
This requirement would be difficult for West Australians, in that there are no "registered clubs" in WA like those in the east (i.e., with a bar, meals, pokies etc) for us to be members of. Or am I misreading this?
Cheers, Tony
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
Back in the Vietnam days a serving member couldnt get into a RSL club unless he was a member, and they were a bit doubtful about whether the Vietnam service qualified for membership. After all it wasnt a "real war" it was only a "police action"! I'm very glad to see that things have changed.