This is my problem where I'm house/pet sitting for the next 6 months. He's really quite cute, but continually attacks me. He's even run into the laundry to attack me.
His claws are long, and razor sharp. I finally figured out how to neutralise him 'till I've finished feeding the Pigs and Guinea Pigs.
Its a Tribble! Its a Klingon genetic experiment that backfired and attacks anything that moves, and a lot of things that don,t. BEWARE! They only give them to thear worst enemys.
I dunno Sheba. I used to keep Old English bantams and the rooster used to go for me big time every time I went into their "space".Its not like he was protecting a little area, they had a really big yard, it was the whole orchard! In the end I used to wear gum boots whenever I went in there, and he'd hammer away like a woodpecker on them. Hope this little bloke cant reach too high?
Oddly enough the silky rooster I had when I was a child was very tame and a nice pet. Your cage idea is brilliant!
-- Edited by Gerty Dancer on Friday 23rd of December 2011 08:51:44 AM
There is a recipe I saw some place for a turkey stuffed with a chook or a duck. Called Turducken.
"A turducken is a dish consisting of a de-boned chicken stuffed into a de-boned duck, which itself is stuffed into a de-boned turkey. The word turducken is a portmanteau of turkey, duck, and chicken or hen.
The thoracic cavity of the chicken/game hen and the rest of the gaps are stuffed, sometimes with a highly seasoned breadcrumb mixture or sausage meat, although some versions have a different stuffing for each bird. The result is a fairly solid layered poultry dish, suitable for cooking by braising, roasting, grilling, or barbecuing."
Spot on Elle, he is a Silkie. He and 2 hens and their progeny have the run of the House-yard, which is not a small area.
Up to yesterday, [would you believe that after getting back from Rocky at 6pm last night, and having to feed the pigs then, I put him under the basket , and forgot about him 'till this morning.] no matter where I was in the yard, he took about 30 seconds to start running for me.
And yes Gertie, he flies up to waist height when he gets a long enough run up.
Can't present him to the axe, as he's a family pet, and they have enough to contend with at the moment, without me killing off their pets.
Since letting him out this morning,[after I'd done what I had to do first, he seems to have a bit more respect for me. Wonder how long it will last.
Have a great Xmas/New Year, every-one.
-- Edited by Sheba on Friday 23rd of December 2011 09:49:53 PM
At a house-sit we did a few months ago we had to deal with an 'attack goose'. After his second attack, John picked him up by the neck, slapped him across the head a few times, then set him down facing the other way. From that time on he was John's constant companion, rushing up whenever he heard our door to go strutting beside John wherever he went! It was so funny to see John putting the chooks away in the evening -- a cluster of nine red hens, their lovely Sussex rooster Ronnie, and 'bird-brain' the goose all trailing along behind!
Unfortunately I never managed that degree of 'friendship' -- like his owner, I just had to carry a walking stick whenever I went outside! :((
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).
I love geese. If a goose is aggressive you have to face it down - have full eye contact and growl at it. They back away if you do that. It might work with the rooster. Wear thick leggings and use your foot as a shield to push it away when it charges you. I would love to see a video of the proceedings
Are you going to be there 6 months Sheba? Have you heard how your friend is doing in hosp? Are you north or south of Rocky? Maybe you need to carry something you can swat the little beggar with.
The basket is the best option, 'cause I need my hands for carrying food. Tried carrying the broom too, but it's too awkward, and I needed eyes in the back of my head doing it that way.
The initial Work-up is done. His sister was flown up from Adelaide on Wednesday so they could take blood from her. They flew her back the same day.
Hubby is going in on the 6th. Jan. Everything has been Out-patient so far.
He has to stay down there for the duration, but the wife will be able to come home for short trips periodically. Also their Daughter will give me a break [probably3-5 days] from time to time as well.
It's not really 6 solid months, but I can't plan on going anywhere 'till some-time in July.