So far 2012 hasn't been kind to us. On Sunday night (1st) the lovely dog we were minding at a house sit had a heart attack & passed away at midnight at emergency vets. Admittedly dog was very aged in not in good health before but it was still upsetting. Last Thursday i had a fall - went down with a thump & hurt my knee & lower back but I could still get around & I thought I was improving well by Monday. But Mon night my back went into spasms - very painful & I found it hard to get around. Next morning at 6am I couldn't get up out of bed. Took me 1/2 hour to make the effort to reach for mobile phone which was just out of easy reach. Called a daughter to come around & help me up (my chauffeur was away for a couple of days). But even with daughter's help it was much to painful to move. So next came the ambulance. They managed to get me on a trolley (marvellous couple) & off we went to Nambour hospital. Spent all morning there. It was decided that problem was the muscles in lower back were all knotted up so after some strong pain relief I was at last able to move. Went home to daughter's place. This morning back is still very sore but I am moving about but very gingerly. Time will heal it hopefully. Only good news is that 2012 can only get better & I DID win $1.10 in Saturday's lotto. Share in a syndicate!! Cheers
Oh dear, Kandagal, hope your back strengthens up and gets better. Not a good start, but can only be on the up and up and improve! Yep your cup is better half full than half empty !! cheers
So far 2012 hasn't been kind to us. On Sunday night (1st) the lovely dog we were minding at a house sit had a heart attack & passed away at midnight at emergency vets. Admittedly dog was very aged in not in good health before but it was still upsetting. Last Thursday i had a fall - went down with a thump & hurt my knee & lower back but I could still get around & I thought I was improving well by Monday. But Mon night my back went into spasms - very painful & I found it hard to get around. Next morning at 6am I couldn't get up out of bed. Took me 1/2 hour to make the effort to reach for mobile phone which was just out of easy reach. Called a daughter to come around & help me up (my chauffeur was away for a couple of days). But even with daughter's help it was much to painful to move. So next came the ambulance. They managed to get me on a trolley (marvellous couple) & off we went to Nambour hospital. Spent all morning there. It was decided that problem was the muscles in lower back were all knotted up so after some strong pain relief I was at last able to move. Went home to daughter's place. This morning back is still very sore but I am moving about but very gingerly. Time will heal it hopefully. Only good news is that 2012 can only get better & I DID win $1.10 in Saturday's lotto. Share in a syndicate!! Cheers
Maybe we should team up & drown our sorrows together.LOL
Be your self; there's no body better qualified ! "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"
Hope you are feeling better by now kandagal! And while I know you were upset about the dog, I'm glad he chose to leave before your fall.... would be difficult to look after him while you are so crook. How's your knee? All the attention goes to your back, but a sore knee can be a real pain too.
Thanks all for good wishes. Well Gertie knee is ok - (but ok means it's how it was before. Troublesome because knee cap has moved outwards laterally. I do strap it to try to bring it back into place. You k now when some people's grandmother dies they get left a nice house, some good jewellery or maybe some$$$ but i think I got my grandmother's knees & they're 110 years old.
Had a back problem years ago, ended up in traction for seven days, lost three days of memory to medication - would not wish back problems on anyone. Luckily never had a problem again.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Had a back problem years ago, ended up in traction for seven days, lost three days of memory to medication - would not wish back problems on anyone. Luckily never had a problem again.
I've had a few issues as well...but I think of all the other poor buggers that are worse off than me...especially all those people who have lost loved ones over the Holiday break through such tragic circumstances.
Thanks all for good wishes. Well Gertie knee is ok - (but ok means it's how it was before. Troublesome because knee cap has moved outwards laterally. I do strap it to try to bring it back into place. You k now when some people's grandmother dies they get left a nice house, some good jewellery or maybe some$$$ but i think I got my grandmother's knees & they're 110 years old.
Yep, got grandma's knees and ears................ all the women in my family limp and go deaf.That's how we know we belong
Hope you get better quickly kandagal we had a terrible year last year and are hoping that 2012 will be kinder to us and everyone else who is on the sick list. Helena.
Life will go on. Put the bad stuff behind you and move on towards the good stuff. Only you can do it. Good and bad years are relative. The fact I'm still here means it must have been a good year in 2011, and things are looking pretty good for 2012. Hurting one's back is absolutely debilitating. Whether it be minor or major, it hurts and changes our lifestyle. I hope yours is short term Kandagal. Resting and stretching carefully are the best. Massage if you can get it will help the damage heal. Take it easy. It's the only way to take it.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I've had a bad back since my 20s, had several bad episodes of extreme pain and debilitation. It seems to have been a lot better over the last few years, wonder if it is because I no longer wear high heels every day (or ever) since I retired.
Hi Alice, You poor thing that really is a bad start, I hope you recover quickly, glad you are near family. P.S have you tested out the fly trap?? they are fantastic I went and got another two, take care and Hi to Kieth