Teary morning this morning, we went to the recruiting office in Brisbane and watcher our grandaughter being sworn into the army and then saw her off in the bus to Kapooka.
Gosh we will miss her, but wish her all the luck and love in the world.
Next time we will see her she will be in uniform at her passing out parade in April at Kapooka.
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
My son lives just down the road from Kapooka Brian, at The Rock (no, not that one....) There are quite a few free camps down that way but if you get really stuck give me a yell.
My son lives just down the road from Kapooka Brian, at The Rock (no, not that one....) There are quite a few free camps down that way but if you get really stuck give me a yell.
Thanks Elaine.
Will give you a call when we get down that way in April
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
Mine did the GAP year too, she rang half way through Kapooka and said she is joining full-time. she has already been in the US for 6 months last year and is off o/s next month.
its great career if they find the area they want to work in :)
In a previous life my ex worked at Kapooka and we had a 5 acre block along the lane at San Isidore. Great place! As for an Army career, it has its advantages but as a parent or grandparent I'd be praying they dont send her into harms way overseas. And yes my son was in the army too.
In a previous life my ex worked at Kapooka and we had a 5 acre block along the lane at San Isidore. Great place! As for an Army career, it has its advantages but as a parent or grandparent I'd be praying they dont send her into harms way overseas. And yes my son was in the army too.
That's why I joined the Air Force, we saddle up our officers and send them out to fight while we put the kettle on and wait for them to return..
Congratulations for your Grand Daughter GS. I hope she has a fantastic time.
In a previous life my ex worked at Kapooka and we had a 5 acre block along the lane at San Isidore. Great place! As for an Army career, it has its advantages but as a parent or grandparent I'd be praying they dont send her into harms way overseas. And yes my son was in the army too.
She is safe from that as she is only in for the gap year (that is unless she re enlists full time)
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
Had another phone call from Kapooka today, she had to stand at attention while she was talking to us on the phone, finding it very hard but rewarding, no one else has dropped out so far, she is sure she will complete basic training, she did very well in physical tests this week and got a commendation from the platoon commander
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
I'm sure they deliberately make it really tough at the beginning, so anybody who cant hack it will drop out before wasting too much time/money on training them.