Although I appreciate that many have strong feelings about the government and the Labor leadership challenge, I am keen to avoid political discussions on this forum as they tend to get heated, and in the end, lead to bad feelings. We’d like to keep the forum a welcoming and inclusive place, primarily for discussing travelling and grey nomad related issues so I thought it best to close this thread.Thanks for your understanding.
I Think Ronnie Mac could do a much better job.........................certainly couldn't do any worse.......
-- Edited by Ma on Thursday 23rd of February 2012 12:08:35 PM
Labor can't even run their own party so how the hell do they expect to run the country, if they carry on in the same manner much longer Australia will become the laughing stock of the world.
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
"Ms Gillard retains the support of most MPs and the backing of powerful right faction unions which have reportedly told some MPs that they would be required to show their voting slips to other MPs to ensure no leakage to Mr Rudd."
Sounds like union thuggery to me, I thought this was outlawed.
Ford Ranger (with kayak on top) towing a 21ft Jurgens toilet and shower with room for a kitchen, dining and bedroom
"Ms Gillard retains the support of most MPs and the backing of powerful right faction unions which have reportedly told some MPs that they would be required to show their voting slips to other MPs to ensure no leakage to Mr Rudd."
Sounds like union thuggery to me, I thought this was outlawed.
Hey Blue, this is the Labor Party we are talking about, what did you expect??
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
Whoever runs this country better hurry up and get on with it. We must look like a bunch of fools to the rest of the world. The Labor Party is looking like a bunch of fools to Australians. Ms. Gillard is obsessed with passing policies. Rudd is obsessed with himself and his image. Are these policies in the best interest of the country and it's people? It remains to be seen, but I think not in the long term. She's in too much of a hurry to push things along without due consultation, in my opinion. This morning at the press conference in Adelaide she behaved like the captain of the high school debating team, and a control freak. "Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me!" If she didn't like the question she accused the journo of being rude and offensive. Yeah, that's a good response alright. Other than those 2, there must be a more suitable individual member to do the job as it deserves to be done.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.