This is a reply I recieved from managment at said park
Hi Jim,
Thank you for your email regarding the management of Wilks Park as a resting point for caravans and RVs (dated 15 February 2012). The information you provided has been considered and highlighted some of the benefits of catering for the self-contained traveller.
A recommendation is going to Council on Monday night (27 February 2012) recommending that Council establish a primitive camping ground at the site. If this recommendation is endorsed by Council, Council staff will take the necessary steps to allow suitable users to continue to use the Park as a short term stopover point at no cost.
If you have any further questions regarding the recommendation feel free to contact me on (02) 69269648.
All good and seems after their review/consultations the Council may have stuck with the free 72hr stopover for self-contained travellers that has been put forward for about the last month, if the recommendation is accepted.
There was never a offical recommendation to close the park by the Council from what I have read, though Jimbo gets excited where Councils are concerned LOL. It seems at least one Caravan Park owner apparently expressed the view to close Wilks Park.
However there maybe the sting in the tail, self-contained traveller.
In brief summary part of this scheme requires you to retain all grey (and black) water within your vehicle, then dispose of it at a suitable location, eg Dump point, not on the ground at the campsite.
-- Edited by Ron and Shirley on Friday 24th of February 2012 06:21:59 PM
This is a reply I recieved from managment at said park
Hi Jim,
Thank you for your email regarding the management of Wilks Park as a resting point for caravans and RVs (dated 15 February 2012). The information you provided has been considered and highlighted some of the benefits of catering for the self-contained traveller.
A recommendation is going to Council on Monday night (27 February 2012) recommending that Council establish a primitive camping ground at the site. If this recommendation is endorsed by Council, Council staff will take the necessary steps to allow suitable users to continue to use the Park as a short term stopover point at no cost.
If you have any further questions regarding the recommendation feel free to contact me on (02) 69269648.
I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.
Can't remember what the original thing was Jim, could you put something here to refresh our memories as I'm sure there are others in the same boat as me
Yes! Dougw I reckon it is....Remember that they were going to ban free camping around or in Wilks park because the local C/P did'nt like us Boo Hoo.
Ps Might I add I am in Darwin and this place is very Hot.. not weather so much But the prices....An icy pole $2.50......$5.50 for a Pot Stubbie $6.00 and at the Casino Pensioner special meal Min price $34.00 I'll never whinge again when I get back home Saturday
I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.