Being first time travellers.... we forgot to look at the calendar for holidays and long weekends etc. We have just realised that there is a long weekend coming up and we would like to go to the Grampians during this peak time. Can anyone suggest a good free camp, or if it is crazy busy a good town/ caravan park in driving distance to the Grampians???? We are in striking distance from them now so should be able to get there tomorrow (Thursday hopefully won't be too bad??).
sorry can't help with the question . The Grampians is a spectacular place and the aboriginal centre there is a must see. welcome to our happy forum, I hope you stay for a long time and have a great time. rocket n strop
Only been to the Grampians once, it was indeed very busy even though it wasnt a long weekend. We stayed at a caravan park because it was rainy and I was a wuss about bush-camping in the wet! In the National park there was several "carry your tent in with you" camps, there may be others with better facilities. Wonderful place, didnt like the c/p much.
theres a road that goes from Horsham to Hamilton.... Henty Highway.... down the west side of the Grampians.....have a look down there......look for a very old CP....called Hynes Camp Reserve.......wouldnt use power there....but its on the edge of the Rocklands Reservoir....suppose to be water in it now.....I dont think its free but got to be cheap........think theres places in the Grampians too....but be careful you might get in but not out due to weather