Wow! We sure are being cesured! This is an evil thing. WE must be aware It will not effect us But it will your kids and Grand children one day....Shiite Law is just not on......
I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.
I don't know if it is necessarily evil, but as the manufacturer has to pay to have the halal logo on the product, we all pay higher prices. I googled "halal certified food" and found a site that lists all the food that has the logo. I wrote down everything that I normally buy and it is quite a big list. It must add up to a fair bit over time.
I watched the programme with interest and wholeheartedly agree with Lofty about the Halal certification being the same as the Heart Foundation tick. I am Jewish and the same Kosher symbols appear on so many of the foods on our supermarket shelves but this was not mentioned in the programme. I could not give a toss about the Halal symbol or the Kosher symbol or for that matter the Heart symbol as far as I am concerned big business is the only benefactor and if anyone reads anything more sinister into these "symbols" they are mistaken. Just pot stirring by the media yet again.
Sail away from the safe harbour. Explore. Dream. Discover. 2012 23' E1000 Evernew'; 2008 Landcruiser GXL 200 Series Custom Boat Loader and 3.85m Tinnie
I believe they pay good money to put those logos on any produce. The way big business works these days who knows, but you can rest assured it doesn't mean anything of significance. It seems we are at the mercy of these corporations if we don't or can't grow our own. The consumer is always the last to know. Australia has strict labelling laws, and I would hope the manufacturers stick to them. No matter what we buy off the shelf, we do so with trust. If it is pot stirring, was the media being controversial or informative? Are there grounds for stirring the pot?
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I am not getting into politics but I can explain a bit about Halal slaughter in Australia.
Most major slaughter houses in Australia kill to the Halal standard or the Kosher standard. Kosher foods are those that conform to the regulations of the Jewish Halakhic law
This is so our meat can be exported overseas. Most of our trade is to the middle east region and to other regions that have a high population of muslims. Most countries demand that the meat be Halal standard and this is Japan China America and Canada to give a few.
Most large companies such as MacDonalds insist on Halal as it is accepted world wide that they are Halal and to have a world wide ban on your company is not good for business.
You will find that all your woolies and Coles meat is all Halal.
The halal requirement is for the animal to be facing Mecca and it has a prayer spoken as it is slaughtered. There is others but that is the main things we need to know.
The meat resulting from this method of slaughter is considered better quality as the animals is fully bled and therefore does not retain blood in the blood vessels. Meat that does not pass is often due to this problem (we call in dark cutters).
Any animal not passing is called Hilal and is not suitable for Halal outlets and is usually sold to the local Australian buyers. This includes any animal diseased or damaged in any way. these are called Anzacs.
Not sure of the requirements of the products that does not require slaughter.
The costs are for the Islamic slaughter men and the overseers and I assume a small cost to the Islamic council of the state concerned. The stamps are added at the time of the Ausmeat and other stamps required and the stamps for the carcass tickets and carton labels are printed by an automatic ticket printer. The only cost there is for the certification of the stamps which is required for all stamps or marks on any product.
I hope this helps people understand a bit of what the word means and what is involved.
I spent 13 years of my working life as IT Manager of abattoirs and the last 10 years setting up and maintaining computer systems in abattoirs around Australia and other countries around the world.
Regards Brian
11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again
Thanks beiffe! I was thinking about how much the Taliban gets from all this...I'll wager it is keeping them...Keeping on Killing and Murdering Innocent people around the World...They are getting .money to buy weapons from somewhere from And I figue it's from this
I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.
The point that has not been raised here about halal or kosher slaughter is that the animal is NOT stunned before having its throat cut, which is cruel and causes suffering (and is the basis of the complaint about slaughter in Indonesia which caused so many ructions recently). And the saying of a prayer before slashing the thoat puzzles me. Do animals now have souls?
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
The point that has not been raised here about halal or kosher slaughter is that the animal is NOT stunned before having its throat cut, which is cruel and causes suffering (and is the basis of the complaint about slaughter in Indonesia which caused so many ructions recently). And the saying of a prayer before slashing the thoat puzzles me. Do animals now have souls?
Was going to respond but decided against it
I suggest you go and have a look in any majorl slaughter house before making up your mind. I know it is not a nice sight if you have not seen animals die but I prefer the truth.
If not ask someone who works there.
11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again
Same occupation as was beiffe, and soon to be traveller, but halal slaughter is not very different to normal.
A different bolt is used in the stunner, and there are rules on the damage done, basically an animal must be revivable, eg if the halal slaughterman says it isnt halal, we are supposed be to able put it back in the paddock.
Realistically it gets tagged and separated and put with the non halal kill, same process for other special kills such as EU, MacAngus, HGP free etc.
We are exporters so depending on where we export to, the slaughterman must be certified by one of several certifying bodies, who bend us over for a dollar every chance they get.
But apart from the Mecca sign on the wall, and the stunning bolt and slaughterman, nothing is different.
And I have never heard of any meat works in Australia not stunning animals, logic and OHS kind of dictates that no one would be silly enough to go near a 600kg scared, cornered animal with a sharp knife, if you have seen the safety practices we use all the time, you would also dismiss this as a misinformation.