Suenterry, Hi Lorraine and I are presently doing Blaze Aid voluntary work at Dunkeld (between Mitchell and St George. We are repairing fences after the massive flooding they had here recently, and there is still much much damage to be rectified. Some farm holdings of in excess of 30,000 hectares have very few fences standing, and many boundary fences non existent Your only cost is getting here. The site is fully catered. The farmers we have helped have thrilled by the teams of people. You can find out more on the blaze aid web site at, for more information phone the co-ordinater at the camp you choose.
We do HelpX (which is similar to wwoofing) generally 1/2 a day work (nothing strenuous) in return for campsite and all meals (or you can live in with the host family) stays can vary from a few days to as long as it suits.We generally stay in rural areas as farmers have room for our rig.We have gardened, played with the kids,done stockwork,housework,assisted with home schooling, building projects generally there are lots of people out there who want some help for whatever reason and most jobs are just regular house type jobs that we can all do. We have had a great time,met some great people. We never schedule the next job till we are almost ready to move on as we have found that a week becomes 2 then suddenly we have been there a month!! with the half day there is plenty of time to sightsee the local area. We tend to put in full days (at a pottering pace!!) but that is our choice and if we want a day off we can take one. The bonus for us is that we are on a pension so we can save money to move onto the next place or spend a few days in a caravan park. We have just done a farmsit (so the owners could have a week off), feed the animals,keep an eye on the stock and clean the laundromat in town each morning.We are still here for another 10 days just pottering around getting ready for open fire season, picking up rubbish, fallen trees etc and making a big bonfire, just clean up after summer stuff. Cutting up fallen timber for firewood.
Depending on your interests and desires there is much you can do to enhance your travels and also feel good by helping people out as you travel.
I have done a lot of Blazeaid work through out the last three years. As well I help out at a Steam railway. Most museum sites out in the bush would like a casual hand anytime.
I also help out on a station in SA with general help and some trade skills. I also have a full time option to stop on a farm on the Murray and help with general work or fencing and get the same days returned in free house boat hire.
There is much out there you just have to ask and look around and you will find what you want.
Regards Brian
11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again
Someone posted their experience of trying to volunteer in Darwin... they needed a police-check and other references, which took so long to process they were ready to move on again. I'd recommend getting a police-check, as it would help if you wanted to house-sit, as well as do volunteer work.