Ellens Celebration of Life function was held last night in Denmark (WA). The feedback I got was there were about 100 people there who were all Ellens friends from all walks of life and after the readings (the sad bit) in accordance with Ellens wishes they partied on and enjoyed themselves, dancing to Ellens favourite music. Apparently Ellen loved Elvis and lots of his songs were played as well as other artist she loved.
Rani, who Ellen was married to Elle, gave a speech along with others from the town including Ellens real estate agent friend. Karak Forrest Retreat has been sold now, and unfortunately this meant her Woofers (Workers On Organic Farms) who were backpackers from overseas and were living in a special accommodation house on the property had moved on in their travels so were not at the celebration. Ellen was very good to them and other people, and will be sorely missed by all who met or had contact with her. RIP Ellen.
Thank you Wombat, that was very well conveyed, Many on this forum had a lot of time for Elle, [ myself included ] I think a lot of us were there ''in spirit' and your description of the service was well appreciated.
Thank you Wombat, that was very well conveyed, Many on this forum had a lot of time for Elle, [ myself included ] I think a lot of us were there ''in spirit' and your description of the service was well appreciated.
Rest In Peace Ellen. Daryl and Renata
Hi dazren,
This info was passed onto me by a friend of mine and of Ellen's
Thanks for that Wombat. Wish I could have been there, even though I hadn't yet met her. Still find it hard to accept that she won't be posting anymore.
It is sad, lets hope where ever she is traveling at the moment she is doing it in the style she most enjoys. I never realised she was ill and she was always so up beat and interesting. thanks for sharing Wombat.