But all is not lost !!! seeing as we are Now mates what say i meet you in Your Town, at your Pub, and over a few [ free ] Beers on the house, we can discuss my failproof plan to stop Mrs W, from getting hold of our, OOPS I mean your money It is a simple plan really, I will open up a new bank account under a false name, you can put ALL our OOPS again ? Your money into the account. I will not tell you where it is ! that way Mrs W cannot beat the information out of you, and that way your money remains safe, and you will not get a beating !! Then if you need some money, if you can find me OOPS again ? I mean let me know and i will send you some ok. --
Hmmm OK. but ?? if you don't get back to me by midnight on the 3rd of May 2062. The deal is off OK
Deal, now I feel like Cinderalla, I'll write that on my calendar, bugga now where is my 2062 calendar, I know it was here somewhere, I wonder if Mrs W has heard about our deal and hidden the bloody calendar. I'll have to investigate this asap