and I'm the bestest and friendliyist there is so lest's get back to doing what we all normally do and try to put this incident out of our minds, and if you don't you will have me to deal with, and if you take no notice of me than I will send HW and Beth after you.
I'm sure they're all scared Wombat. Sorry I got my dander up, I'll try not to do it again.
-- Edited by Beth54 on Saturday 12th of May 2012 05:32:59 PM
The attitude of some of the members on this forum who cannot cope with the opinions of other forum members in a reasonable and adult way is extremely disappointing. It appears that there is no way of starting a thread and then reading sensible exchange with other forum members without getting abusive comments from some members. Therefore I am removing all my details and resigning from this forum and will also be returning my Grey Nomads stickers as I no longer want to be associated with this site.
rodandjean I read most posts without commenting and Have not found anything wrong with any reply's...Maybe it's old Old Mate...People are the same everywhere Just exactly what are you looking for? This site will do me.
I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.
Sorry to hear that rodandjean, I follow this forum pretty closely, and find it difficult to find were your coming from, 98% of forum members here are good, decent, helpful, people, and i find they are not judgemental or opinionated, they listen, learn, and contribute advice and idea's to assist other members. So i o hope you have not decided to resign, over an isolated post, that was in disareement with you ??
However if that is your wish, it is your decision, so search the other forums to see if they have ''what you are looking for ?? '' though i feel you will find that the %%%% of Agressive and opinionated members on most of the other sites will soon see you leaving them as well
Hope you keep enjoyng many Happy and Safe travels. dazren
I'm a member of this site because it is the friendliest caravan forum I have found. There are odd comments that may not have been called for but, there are a lot less of them on here than on the other caravan forums
In any group of friends you will find the odd comment upseting & may rub you the wrong way, if you let them get to you then you may end up having a very lonely life.
Tolerance is always the best option in life.
Home is where we hang our hats - Home now in Yamba NSW
Sorry to hear that rodandjean. I do know which thread you are talking about and was surprised by some of the unnecessary comments made to your opening posts. Unfortunately there are people who do their best to make some peoples life a misery, but that happens on all forums. Don't go!!
I checked too Pam, after I wrote my post. They can still come back in and read posts so hopefully they will and may come back. I also see they had been members for nearly 3 years. Totally agree, it isn't hard to be nice to people. I've been on the receiving end a few times, it can really knock you off your chair.
I've been on the receiving end a few times too Marj...and I didn't enjoy it. As you can really knock you off your chair. I even thought about leaving the forum but I decided against it. Thankfully, the nasty ones are in the minority and the nice ones outnumber and make up for them.
I can't see the problem myself although I'm not aware of the particularly upsetting post. If I have an opinion and sombody wishes to disagree then that's fine. Unless I have a particularly cogent argument to make I just cop it on the chin and move on.
Although I may occassionally comment on certain social issues I'm much more concerned with the other things/information people on this forum have to say.
I really feel debatable issues are much more satisfying in person rather than a my post/your post type of thing.
It is a right of anyone to belong to the forum or not, but to feel that somone's comments may cause you to leave is to single out one poor/ill- informed comment from the rest of the genuinely decent, caring people who are members.
I have been a member of this forum for many years, and in my experience it is a rare thing to see rude or even impolite posts.
Sad to see someone go though.
When I have a strong dissenting opinion on a post I go back to a tactic that I used for business matters, oh so many years ago.
I compose a response without sending it. Then leave it overnight and re-read it in the morning .. and guess what, I invariably bin it & feel better about it too.
I agree wombat, I said you cannot go. lol I also agree if I go into a topic and find it offensive I back out quickly and don't go back in, but in this case they opened a new topic with a comment and were blunty told in the first reply they don't belong on this forum. A bit harsh I thought. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. They were entitled to make that comment without backlash.
I must have been in the dark with you Wombat because I missed whatever all the hooha was about. Pity to get on a high horse though. If you jump out of this site you only cut off your nose to spite your face. Cheers to all
I have enjoyed this forum. At first I thought it was a bit 'clicky' but I realised that was probably because so many of you have met each other in person or been posting for many years. I soon realised that most were very friendly and I would be friendly too. I decided that I would just continue putting my 'two bob bit' in and where I could help someone I would. We have been caravanners for over 35 years so I think I qualify to do that. If I read a few ?? posts I just move on to the next one. So far I haven't made a controversial post and so I haven't had my head bitten off. I'm not sure how I would feel if I did. There is certainly plenty to laugh about - a pity some don't find that. Let's keep being friendly in every way possible. I'll start a new topic and tell you all what has happened to us on this trip.
If someone abuses you on site - either in a post or in a PM the first thing is to send a PM to Cindy (Webmaster) - alert her to the incident. And no-pne is making you read a topic - if the abuser didn't like the post - best thing is to ignore and go somewhere else - simple -
Other than a very few, this is a most pleasant site - friendly and welcoming -
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
and I'm the bestest and friendliyist there is so lest's get back to doing what we all normally do and try to put this incident out of our minds, and if you don't you will have me to deal with, and if you take no notice of me than I will send HW and Beth after you.