Welcome chrisnjo. Can't help you with NSW and the pink slip as don't know how it works, but in Vic I keep all my vehicle details at my daughters address. Drivers License, Vehicle Rego etc. I can pay fees online so not a problem there.
How do you keep your vehicle registered in nsw when traveling - pink slip
This may/may not be of help. In Victoria (and most states) the vehicle is meant to be registered to the address where it is most often garaged. Not much use if you're a frequent nomad. VicRoads are well aware of this and whilst they can't give permission to 'use' someone else's address, that is the broad hint they are giving. Personally, I'ld make sure that your 'address' is a close relative who will ring you when any R.T.A. letters come. You might possibly ask them to open it and take the appropriate action for which you'll transfer funds or similar arrangement. This is the practical thing to do. However, the legal and theoretical thing to do, is change your address everytime you move. This is actually the legislative requirement for most of the Registration Authorities. Personally, I'm going to be registered to my daughter's home; I'll just be away alot!!
I don't want to go off topic here, but this is a slight tangent of possible interest re Rego. Technically, each State/Territory is self governing and the various State Departments have no authority to speak on behalf of or for a different State's 'parallel' Department. For examople; VicRoads has no Authority or standing with N.S.W.'s Registration Authority. A vehicle registered in one State is not actually registered in another State. There is a reciprical agreement between the States and Territories which allows visitors to drive interstate and be covered by equivalent C.T.P. This is a courtesy only and does not have to be honoured. The problem arises under certain circumstances such as (but not limited to), using an Interstate vehicle for hire/gain/reward. Interstate driver who has decided to take up permanent residence has 3 months after deciding to take up permanent residence to change to local rego. (Case Law has defined permanent residence as getting a job, renting a house etc.) Most Rego Authorities have decided that after you've been in their state for 3 months, you're a permanent resident. Because they have a monopoly on rego, it's hard to argue with them. Now, I'm not saying that after 3 months the plods, R.T.A etc are going to come crashing through your door. Far from it. The only problem you are likely to have is if you are working, seen alot by some over zealous 'plod' or start renting. In my experience, most coppers are practical and realistic people who generally don't even bother with this stuff unless it's shoved in their face via a complaint or other means. For what it's worth.
Chrisnjo If you mean by pink slip that is something to do with annual vehicle roadworthy check I can only tell you as per Qld rules. Our motorhome has to have an annual check & we contacted Qld Transport Dept & they agreed (as we were in WA at the time) that they would accept an vehicle inspection check from a state registered inspection mob in another state. We just had to fax the inspection report to the Qld transport mob . This we did with no problems.
I have a NSW rego and I registered our vehicles in Qld & WA when we were travelling and found you will need to find the few mechanics that have the qualifications to do NSW rego checks.
From memory the RTA has a list of them in the other states (there were about 6 in the whole of perth). You will have to give the RTA a call when you're ready (preferably in a large town or city).
Once we got the pink slip & insurance we rang the RTA again and took care of the rest over the phone, no problems.
Home is where we hang our hats - Home now in Yamba NSW
You can get a roadworthy certificate in every state and most regional centres will have a place where you can get this done.
You will need your rego papers sent to you, before you get the certificate, then you just need to post the paperwork back to RTA, greenslip is done online so that is no problem.
You can get a pink slip in NSW up to 3 months before rego due and you can go into any Rego office and get your new rego papers, the pink slip must be used within one month of the inspection.
At least if you are on the couples pension in NSW both your van and car rego is free and your driving licences are free.
When you're travelling, change the rego to a state that doesn't require you to go over the pits every year. That's every other state than NSW. Bring in national rego. SA seems to be very pricey. Check out websites to compare notes. I'm registered in WA, and have been since I left that state in 2007. I spent 2 years in Cairns, and I've been in SA 18 months. As long as I'm "itinerant", living in my van parked in a caravan park, no one seems to bother too much. I used my daughter's postal address and she would forward my mail to me in prepaid envelopes. These days I use the park's address. I'm registered differently because I use my car for work. The insurance has altered as well. Do some checking, and pick a state. Welcome to Grey Nomads. Safe and happy travels.
PS. Your "shorty" looks busy in your avatar. It looks like a track in the Kimberley I had a similar experience with. Love it!
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
How do you keep your vehicle registered in nsw when traveling - pink slip
I recently enquired with the RTA ( now RMS) I sent them a email only a few days back, about a number of enquiries we had about licences and rego. Expect to hear from them in the next week.
Alcohol is not the answer. It only makes you forget the question.