Keith is now out of hospital after passing the stone. Nurse said it is quite a big one but to look at it you would wonder how could something so small cause so much grief. He still has to have an ultra sound (to see if there are any more stones lurking in kidney & to check how much damage this one did). Stone has gone off to pathology to be analysed. Apparently they now like to now what it is made of so as they can advise if change of diet or something is worth doing. We are now parked up at Rocky Creek Memorial Park with great mobs of travellers. Keith says thanks for sll the well wishes.
I am happy to hear that Keith is out on the loose again lol. I know my dad used to writhe all over the floor when he had to pass a kidney stone. I wonder why some people get them and others don't?? Good luck with all the testing. Michelle
glad to hear all is ok my sister in law has stones but she has opted for a special diet she heard about that you can pass it yourself ,so shes doing what it says to do, dont know if it works but she heard of three people that are on this diet, she was talking to someone at a shop one day and they too had heard of it.
Im hoping you wont have too much more trouble, my brother had stones a few times, was a terrible time for him, he was in agony at some stages.
I remember when he worked in the city and had to get cab home because he couldnt drive to the central coast he was in too much pain so he got on the floor in the back of the cab and said if i scream and yell just keep driving till we get to my destination and the cabby did just that .