Why is it that after clicking on the 6th or more topic, when I click back I return to the first topic. On other forums if I am reading the 8th. topic I would be directed back to the 7th. topic not the first. Do I have a wrong setting somewhere or am I doing something wrong?
Not sure but I click on the The Grey Nomads - General Forum or the appropriate section to get a listing of all the threads. It also shows me the unread thread with new posts updates.
it does the same for me, can I suggest to right click the 1st topic and open it as a new topic, this will put a new tab at the top of the browser, then do the same with topic 2 and 3 and 4 etc, you can then go back to whichever one you want without going back to the main General Forum by clicking on the tab at the top of the browser
I'm confused too. I'm reading this topic, I finish so click on the back button, and it takes me back to the General Forum. Why would you want it to take you back to a topic you have already read.
Yes it's hard to explain, but if you use the browser back button, the thread you have just read shows like it is unread. Which is ok too you can hit the refresh button and the list of threads will update to show the ones that still have unread posts.
I failed to mention that I don't read the topics from the main forum page. I click on "User Details" then read the topics from there and that's where the problem is. I thought that all the latest topics are listed under the "User Details" tab. I shall try the right click method sugested above and see if that is a better way of reading topics in order. Thanks for the responses evryone.
HW & Sheba, sorry if I have confused you, I usually go through the main topic page and select the topic's I think may be of interest and open them as tabs, then read each one and decide which ones I can offer help or answer question and revisit those topics by opening the tabs at the top of the browser, I know it can be done in Firefox and Chrome not sure about IE.
Wow, I didn't know there were so many ways to read a forum. Can I ask any of you why you don't open the topic forum at top of page eg General Forum or I Digress. The ones that are active to you are highlighted as darker than the ones you have already read and have a green tick. You don't have to go in to the others as you have already read them. Also, the ones highlighted and green ticked are always at the top, you don't have to go searching for them.
Wow, I didn't know there were so many ways to read a forum. Can I ask any of you why you don't open the topic forum at top of page eg General Forum or I Digress. The ones that are active to you are highlighted as darker than the ones you have already read and have a green tick. You don't have to go in to the others as you have already read them. Also, the ones highlighted and green ticked are always at the top, you don't have to go searching for them.
I agree Marj! My lack of computer skills means I like to keep it simple.
Make sure your settings in your user profile are set to "last modified" then they always come up first. No probs!
I do the same as you Rongela. I click on my forum name in the top right hand corner. It gives you a list of posts in all sections starting with the most recent.
When you go through to the next page of topics and then press the back button, you return to the start of the list again.
Hooray, someone that understands my problem. That is exactly it. I don't like the idea of going to each individual section of the forum and catching up with topics that way because from what I understand the "User Details" section lists all the latest topics from all the different sections of the forum. However, seeing that is the way it is, I will use the suggested method of right clicking and opening that topic up as a new tab and then clicking out of that tab to stay on the same page. Still can't understand why the return button can't take you back to the same page though, like it does when reading from an individual section. Thanks to all for your response.