Seems to me that after reading some posts about what you can and cannot do on your own land.
Showgrounds closing with some councils jumping to the tune of vocal minorities. Maybe it's time that councils are reminded that "They" are employed by the people to look after the interests of the people not the other way around.
Bulding road infrastructure to force people onto toll roads for one.Parking fees in town because they have nowhere near enough parking in towns when they develop sites.
Hospitals where once again there are nowhere near enough parking facilities.
The list could go on and on and on.
No I think it's about time councils were told they work for the people, they are not there to slug them time and time again.
Yes we have to have some rules but enough is enough..
Head off overseas and when you return you will may realise how lucky you are to live in Australia. At the present time this place would have to be the lucky country, we have low unemployment with work for anyone who wants to work, free medical treatment if needed. Pensions and support for those in need, OK the age pension is not great but you wont starve and with a bit of planning you can be on the road and travelling all over our great land.
I just don't understand why so many Aussie's feel so hard done by when it seems to me that here it is the exact opposite, to what is happening in almost every other country, there they have high unemployment, huge national debts that are far in excess of their GDP and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel for them to ever get out of the mess that they are in and at the present there is no end in sight to their troubles.
If and when I am having a "bad day", all I have to do is turn on ABC radio, (I don't have a TV) to listen to the latest local and world news. Then it's a beautiful day.
Head off overseas and when you return you will may realise how lucky you are to live in Australia. At the present time this place would have to be the lucky country, we have low unemployment with work for anyone who wants to work, free medical treatment if needed. Pensions and support for those in need, OK the age pension is not great but you wont starve and with a bit of planning you can be on the road and travelling all over our great land.
I just don't understand why so many Aussie's feel so hard done by when it seems to me that here it is the exact opposite, to what is happening in almost every other country, there they have high unemployment, huge national debts that are far in excess of their GDP and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel for them to ever get out of the mess that they are in and at the present there is no end in sight to their troubles.
Because the older generation is seeing the radical changes that are happening to this country& dont want to see it end up like many other countries.
Be your self; there's no body better qualified ! "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"
Head off overseas and when you return you will may realise how lucky you are to live in Australia. At the present time this place would have to be the lucky country, we have low unemployment with work for anyone who wants to work, free medical treatment if needed. Pensions and support for those in need, OK the age pension is not great but you wont starve and with a bit of planning you can be on the road and travelling all over our great land.
I just don't understand why so many Aussie's feel so hard done by when it seems to me that here it is the exact opposite, to what is happening in almost every other country, there they have high unemployment, huge national debts that are far in excess of their GDP and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel for them to ever get out of the mess that they are in and at the present there is no end in sight to their troubles.
Hope that comment wasn't directed at me David. I've spent decades living outside Australia, from Saudi, Egypt, Iraq & UAE in the middle east to Russia & Poland, Greece, Italy, Great Britan in Europe. I've also lived in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia & Laos for in excess of 20 years combined. Those are only the countries I've resided in,most for well in excess of a year or two.
I've also travelled extensively as a tourist & most that meet me & spend time with me know how worldly I am.
I'm callingg it how it is, they're stuffing this place right up & it makes me sick to the bone. I put my life at great risk for a number of years to protect this country AS THOUSANDS HAVE BEFORE AND AFTER ME and these buggas are well and Truly wrecking the joint & being paid so well to do so. SHAME SHAME SHAME ON THIS COUNTRIES PRESENT REGEIME, their cronies, time wasters & plenty of the rank & file of bureaucrats etc etc.
Just becos Australia is better than some places doesn't make the lucky country no more !
Sorry typing on the telephone which is no easy task with fingers bigger than the buttons and my specs missing in action again.....enuf for this rant!
Unfortunately there are alot of so called 'reasons' for councils, workplaces and others doing these things. One is Liability Insurance. My Mum's small choir always did the Carols by Candlelight for the small village Pop: 400. Council said Okay (2011) if the choir arranged their own liability insurance. Cost: nearly $2000 because it was at the water's edge, hours of darkness etc etc. This was a free event and so had to be cancelled. Kid's Lemonade Stands (even in your own front yard) are being banned by some councils unless a permit is obtained. This is because people have fallen on the nature strip going to the stand and then sued Council. We can be sued if someone slips on our driveway and there are those who will take advantage of this. It's a great pity and I don't know if this is prompted by the legal profession, or 'do gooders' or just plain oppotunists. OH&S is another similar problem. They put us through Inductions and Courses so that if we injure ourselves, the Insurance Company (in Vic nearly all Worker's Comp is private, even many Govt Depts) has a possible 'out' if we didn't follow the training given. There was a scam about 15 years ago where a well known hardware chain was being sued for False Arrest by individuals who 'set up' a theft with the intion of being caught. Through legal manouvreing, the 'theft' wouldn't even get to Court and the hardware chain settled ex gracie $10,000 for each case. New training and courses were given to staff for insurance purposes. It's the difference between theoretical law and practical law. For what it's worth.
Hope that comment wasn't directed at me David. I've spent decades living outside Australia, from Saudi, Egypt, Iraq & UAE in the middle east to Russia & Poland, Greece, Italy, Great Britan in Europe. I've also lived in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia & Laos for in excess of 20 years combined. Those are only the countries I've resided in,most for well in excess of a year or two. I've also travelled extensively as a tourist & most that meet me & spend time with me know how worldly I am. I'm callingg it how it is, they're stuffing this place right up & it makes me sick to the bone. I put my life at great risk for a number of years to protect this country AS THOUSANDS HAVE BEFORE AND AFTER ME and these buggas are well and Truly wrecking the joint & being paid so well to do so. SHAME SHAME SHAME ON THIS COUNTRIES PRESENT REGEIME, their cronies, time wasters & plenty of the rank & file of bureaucrats etc etc. Just becos Australia is better than some places doesn't make the lucky country no more ! Sorry typing on the telephone which is no easy task with fingers bigger than the buttons and my specs missing in action again.....enuf for this rant!
No Jack
That wasn't directed at anyone in particular, I'm just sick of the constant whingeing that almost everyone seems to be indulging in at the moment, for what seems to me no particular reason.
Australia is still a great country to be in, we are experiencing changes always have, always will, some changes are for the better, some not so good, but if we try to look for all the positives we will feel better in ourselves and get more enjoyment out of life, there are far more positives in Australia than negatives, one of the best things to do is to turn off the radio shock jocks whose one aim in life seems to be to rant all the time, how terrible everything has become and how we will all end up in ruin if things continue.