We are hoping to start on a long trip next year and will be buying our van later in the year. In fact we will probably be looking at full time in the van. We have had a van before which was in the UK probably 30 years ago. So as part of planning I was wondering just where we start in learning all the things we need to know. Should we join a club? Do we just go for it and learn from mistakes? How did people start and learn the ropes? I think we are Ok on van selection it is all the other things like the first trip to shakedown....where can we get advice from? All ideas welcome.
You have made your first big decision already and asked questions so you can learn.
One thing I would suggest is to join a mororing organisation and take a course in how to drive a caravan and tug safely.
You learn a hell of a lot and safety is the big ticket item.
I had a friend I worked with who spent big on retirement and bought a U beaut 100 Series V8 Cruiser and an $80 K van.
First trip.
He literally got to the end of the road and turned on to the Ipswitch motorway and turned the whole shebang on it's side in the ditch at Kholo on the Warrego Highway.Qld.
All because he over corrected when a big B double passed him.Luckily all that caused no injury except to his pride and wallet.
I drive an RV so have limited experience driving a tug and van.If I did go that route I would have taken a course to learn what to do.
I am sure there will be many people on here who will give you advice,so soak it in and get travelling.
One of the regulars on here is Bohemian Gypsy and they have just bought their van and getting ready for their trip.
Welcome redjcw. You just have to read and follow this forum. You'll get lots of advice - especially if you ask specific questions. Have a great time planning it but remember a caravan in Australia is far different to a van in UK. Some suggest hiring a van to 'taste' first. Especially good if you can hire the sort of van you want to buy.
Welcome redicw. Well you've made a good start - this forum in invaluable. Before I bought my rig (a MH) I hung around campsites and caravan parks and talked to the people there. People who are actually doing it are a fabulous source of information. They won't all be travelling the way you intend to and their priorities won't necessarily be yours but it's still a good way to learn about your options.