I am 48 years old and care for my 87 year old mother. We are considering selling everything and buying the biggest motor home we can afford. then travelling around OZ
What do you think ???
Cheers, Chris...
"The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you're finished" - Benjamin Franklin
Welcome Chris... What a great idea...and a wonderful experience for both of you. Get out there...see our beautiful country...and make lots of happy memories as you go. Cheers. Pam.
Wait no longer, just do it and enjoy. For every day you delay is one that you both will miss getting out there and being part of this wonderful community.
You only live once, but if you live it right, once is enough !!!!!!
How many of you have actually sold everything (house included) to go on the road ???
Thanks for all the encouraging feedback. The more I look into this the more questions I have. I need to sell all our worldly possessions for a reasonable ammount, as there will be no going back. Once the house is sold I could not afford to re-enter the real estate market again.
The questions are slowly getting answered here. TV, Internet and income is covered. Mail forwarding is an issue ???
Thanks everyone
Cheers, Chris...
"The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you're finished" - Benjamin Franklin
Have sold everything - live on the road full time. Could never go back to llive in a house. As for mail - it goes to my son's house, he opens it and rings me if it is important, if it is something I need, he will send it to a pre-determined post office, and we will be there to collect it when it arrives.
Works for us. Though if you or your mum are on centrelink benefits, you will need a residential address - a family member's home or something like that.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Jules, when you get your son to redirect important mail to a pre-determined post office. Does he write Hold - to be picked up, or something similiar on it. How does the Post Office know that you will be coming in to pick it up?
He puts it in another envelope, addresses it to me c/- the post office, with to be collected on it - they will hold for 30 days (I used to work in a post office). In places like Mareeba and Mt Isa, they have special areas where you can pick your mail up from, not over the counter - at a delivery area usually - I think Mareeba even put a list out of who they have mail for, well they used to anyway.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)