I've got flyscreens on all the windows, but I have a problem. It's the midges that are on the Jenny Craig diet. They manage to get through the holes in the mesh. Anyone got any suggestions?
I learned about this the hard way too. There is a mesh you can get that will keep them out it is called micromesh or something similar and has small enough holes that they cannot get through.
I would fiti it to the door and the vents as they are the things usually open.
Kathy and Frank currently at Home near Quirindi NSW
Spray out your van before the before-bed trip to the loo. Having said that I think sand-flies (midges) are only active in the daytime, and night spraying would only get the mossies. I dunno. Very best wishes to anybody beset by these bl**** things!
As we traveled around we had a Raid auto spray thing in the van on the wall. It goes off every now and then. We did not have any trouble with either flies or midges but every morning the boss did wipe down all the little bodies on the bench tops. Obviously worked a treat but refills were around $19. Better than getting bitten by mozzies in the night. Tin used to last around two months and the battery around 12 months.
I spray the screens themselves with surface spray. It's the sandflys I hate! I don't feel them biting, and next day the bites get itchy as all hell! And they take forever to stop itching and heal up.