NBN and Wireless are two different methods , So can you fill us in on how you could improve wireless using NBN it would be great if this could be done just can't get my head around it .
I think russhen's problem is they have SATELLITE internet coverage with Australian Nomad Technologies (ANT). This is not "wireless" (provided via strategically provided towers) but provided through a satellite connection. It would appear the ground has been moved as Optus, the provider of the satellite service to ANT, had 'loaned' some satellite capacity to NBN for their (NBN's) use within the National Broadband Network - for a trial it would seem. It would appear that NBN has not returned the 'loaned capacity' back to Optus/ANT but have 'on-sold' it to NSW Health - for a profit to NBN/Optus one would imagine.
If my conclusions above are correct, it appear the service available from ANT/Optus is now somewhat 'uncompetitive'.
I am also a 'permanent GN' and obviously love to keep in touch with internet (and mobile if I have to ). I have wireless Telstra 3G (7Gb/month @ $49.95/month) which I have found to be available for the vast majority of the time I wish to use it. Albeit - there was no coverage from the WA/SA border to Norseman at all - but coverage was available at each roadhouse on the SA side of the SA/WA border - but nothing between the roadhouses. In the eastern states, I have always had signal in, or near, almost every town.
Not sure if any of that helps russhen.
[Edit: PS - NBN is an optical fibre, land-based network - no wireless. It does have some satellite capacity for those 'permanent residents' in remote areas that will not have an optical network servicing their area.]
Cheers - John
-- Edited by rockylizard on Friday 28th of September 2012 12:24:13 PM
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
We are permanent GNs and use internet A LOT. We live most of the time in locations were there is poor or no wireless internet, thus we had to have a mobile satellite internet provider. The only provider in Aus is (Australian Nomad Technologies) ANT and our initial plan with them WAS good 2Gb daytime and 10Gb nighttime for $49pm . This plan has now been chopped down to 1Gb($49) only. NOT HAPPY JAN...
So ring ANT up to be informed that Optus took a huge chunk of availability off the satellite for NBN co. to interim/trial satellite. At the end of this trial ANT didn't get any back because it was sold off to NSW Health.
NBN co. currently has no plan for permanent mobile home owners. I am writing a submission to NBN, local member, Satellite providers etc.
Would like members thoughts or ideas please. I really would like to find out:
How many perm travellers in our situation, i.e. not fixed address etc. or where to get this info.
NBN and Wireless are two different methods , So can you fill us in on how you could improve wireless using NBN it would be great if this could be done just can't get my head around it .
Thanks John for that explanation I also run on the same plan has you and have found few places where it doesn't work I am sure there are plenty places it doesn't work .
This might help also, when were were around we used Telstra with a blue/white USB plugin to the lap top. The best thing I found about this dongle is the fact you can plug in an external aerial I needed. I used a 6ft 9db gain antenna with patch cord to dongle, we never missed signal, also as it is 3G we also had patch cord for my Blue Tick LG 550, hence mobile phone every where that we went too. Very happy campers as I got my Internet fix all the time He! He! I met another GN who had a 6db gain antenna arranged on his Wingaurd so when he wound up the TV aerial the Internet aerial was up there too. His lead ran down to a router in the cupboard so he then had wifi in the awning, god set up in my humble opinion. Safe travels
Yes John you have explained it very well, better than my initial post.
My main thing is that if you are NOT within 10-15km of a Telsta 3G tower, then you have no coverage for the NBN, as that is the main backup for the fibre. Sat will be used to cover the leftovers. As you have rightly pointed out most towns have wireless 3G coverage, but we don't normally live in towns/Caravan Parks.
I am just trying to find out how many GNs are in the same situation, because I can't go into a submission with " anecdotally there are some 180,000 permanent/semi-permanent travellers/ workers on the road