Well last Wednesday coming from Rollingstone heading to Townsville a motor home pulled out from Sunders Beach into the traffic on the Bruce highway I was two cars back but and had plenty of distant from the cars in front but if I was a police officer I
would have pulled up the motor home and thrown the book at them,it was lucky for them I was in the wife car as I have a camera on mine which I would have drop in to the nearest police station.
I know what you mean gt, I have seen similiar happen and thought at the time. Why on earth did you do that, you are now only going to hold all the traffic up. Makes sense to hold back a couple of ticks and wait for the traffic to pass.
it is not only courteous and considerate but it may also prevent you becoming involved in an accident or a road range incident, we also pull over when nessisary to allow traffic behind to overtake which reduces the frustrations of the drivers behind and also reduces the risk they will do something silly and dangerous.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
only goes one way when your dead or in a wheel chair for life so it don't matter what your driving so as I say there is no reason to rush think first what if i make the wrong choice no second.
and we havnt done that in our lifetime of driving, good advice about taking your time but people that live in glass houses shouldnt throw rocks. I have been guilty of simular things myself, every body can make an error of judgement cheers blaze