I listened to an interview this afternoon on ABC Local QLD radio with Jim (? - I missed his surname) QLD President (I think) of the CMCA who are having their Rally at Boonah at the moment. I think some of our members are attending.
The gist of the interview was to convey the 'outcomes' from the CMCA members at the rally who are very concerned that, increasingly, there are fewer and fewer camping spaces available at van parks in or near mining areas. The CMCA members have decided that someone (good old someone) needs to convince "Government" that something needs to be done. Local councils were also raised as not being proactive, generally, in providing roadside parking places for 'self-contained' vehicles - particularly as there are fewer spaces in van parks - due to cabins/dongas replacing 'sites' .... and those van parks that do have sites are too small for today's motorhomes/caravans. The prime driving argument for 'rest areas' was that Grey Nomad travellers spend so much money in areas and they should be provided with rest areas "for health and safety" as well as the economic virtues they bring.
There were a number of callers who also added to the debate - and also raised the condition of roads generally in QLD. I would like to think these callers were prompted by the issue being on the radio ... and not CMCA members 'prompted' to call in to bolster the arguement. A couple of these also were annoyed and frustrated because of the delays caused by the amount of road works in progress. One of these callers said that he, and those he talks with, will not travel the Bruce Hwy and stay inland because of the frustrations of roadworks and the delays. He said this was depriving the coastal towns of potential income. What ever happened to "drive to the conditions" ?? Especially, as for years, the QLD 'government' has been barrelled from all sides because of the lack of attention, funding, improvement and restoration to the Bruce Goat track.
Apparently, one of the things that prompted "Jim of CMCA" to approach media was they had a meeting with "first-year CMCA members/travellers" and there were 294 of them at Boonah - apparently there were in excess of 1,200 motorhomes there. Interestingly, Jim also stated that CMCA is growing by 800 new members a month and therefore it adds further weight to the need to cater for Grey Nomads - particularly those in self-contained motorhomes (and caravans). I guess CMCA membership must now be HUGE.
At the end of the interview - and the callers - I felt like this issue was just sort of whinging. We all travel as 'grey nomads' because we CHOOSE to live this lifestyle - either for the winter months or, as some of us, full-time. I wonder how much of this country would have been opened up, settled, developed and made productive if we all just said that we wouldn't go there unless 'government' provided us with first-class amenities everywhere. I found it very difficult to see these people had any 'pioneer spirit'.
I would be interested in the opinion of any GN members who attended the CMCA rally and obviously the opinion of any member of our forum.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
It seemed to us that the towns in mining areas were very stressed just to cater for the influx of workers. It would be no use complaining to their councils as they have problems of their own.
WE recently drove down the Bruce highway and believe me we did drive to the conditions which were in places pretty bad and we actually sustained some damage to our van but having said that I dont expect perfect roads and we coped it sweet for the damage, but if I have a choice with a van that was designed for the bitumen I will try to avoid areas like that in future, and I wonder how much CMCA is inflating numbers with 800 new members per month sounds a little over the top and probably too big.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time