True Alan - Doug does make you laugh!!!!!
And , Paul, My van - small steps will get you there in the end mate - no need to take great strides!!!!! Just enjoy what you do do!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
The hardest part for me was organizing my house, mail, storage of my possessions, and on-going bills such as tax etc.
Once I hit the road, I couldn't stop smiling, a freedom beyond belief.
Over the 2 years I sometimes felt lonely, but I can be alone living in my house in my suburb, so I reckon you may as well be in the sunshine meeting others and enjoying new experiences.
Anyway the wind blows......doesn't really matter to me!!
All set to leave here Friday morning to go to the Wurruma dam
for three or four days , then off to Bundy for a few days or so .
I decided to take both wheel chair and mobility scooter as I am unable to walk any more than a few meters at a time.
Hope to catch up with other campers even though it will not be good camping weather
Hot days
Going to the Sunhine Coast as well for a few days,
After this I am not sure where I will venture to.
My last trip camping
I hope someone mows the lawn while I am away.
**** Hey, you can walk a few metres, Your ready to do Marathons,
My friend Got run over by a truck when riding her motor cycle, She is paralyzed from the waist down, She started off with a wheel chair strapped to the back of the bike, With her B/Friend riding, I know this because I made the frame for it to sit on,
Then she had a bike modified to have drop down legs when she stopped.
She now rides a bike with 3 wheels that lay over with the bike, She is still paralyzed from the waist down,
Just idea's mate, Any thing is possible,
Sitting in Tumbarumba, Lady pulls up beside car in a wheel chair, Lifts her body into the car out of the wheel chair,
A small flat belt type thing came down from the contraption sitting on the roof of her little car,
She had a stop go remote on a cable in her hand,
The wheel chair lifted up and sat in position on the roof of her car, She closed the door of her car and drove away,