We currently have a problem with our vinyl floor starting to lift in the caravan. The van is a Nova which is only 7 months old. To date we have spoken to Nova who indicated that this is not a new problem and it appears as if the glue sealing the floor joints is reacting to the vinyl. Has this happened to anyone and how have the manufacturers resolved the problem. We have been told by the repairers here in Perth that the best way to access the vinyl is to come from underneath the van on the join of the floor. This seems to us a fairly dramatic approach. We feel the best way to fix this is to lift the vinyl and relay a new piece of vinyl. Another option was to cut the vinyl on the bubble and re glue, but that also has its issues as it may lift later and aesthetically would unsightly. Can anyone advise other options.
I agree with Jules - its a warranty issue and not really your problem to sort out.
Replacing the vinyl is not as easy as it appears since manufacturers often place a single sheet of vinyl on the caravan floor and then build the van on top (this is a lot easier than trying to fit the vinyl around all those protrusions common in most vans). We had a similar problem and the manufacturer used a syringe to inject glue into the problem area and then weights to press the vinyl onto the floor. It worked on one of the spots but not the other and we have to return to get that re-treated.
hi johnty if push does come to shove and they back out on you , dont despair , we had our vinly replaced in our van last year ,we dropped a hot frypan and result nice round ring , insurance payed it , but my point , if you have too find a good layer or flooring place and it can be done we had a excellent layer do ours , he cut it out in all one piece took it as a sample to his shop re cut a whole new piece allowing a little bit to trim , sanded the whole floor and joints then glued it down and trimmed it , siliconed all edges , you would never know it had been replaced , so do hope you get a result from the manufacturer , sounds like maybe a water issue , did you notice any moisture etc , maybe got under the floor and weakeed the glue , or just bad workmanship
regards grae