When I arrived at the caravan park last week I was reversing on to the site when my rear wheels dropped off the back of the pad. Stupid I know but I didn't know it was blocked up at the back and I still had a couple of metres to the trees. Anyway the bus sustained damage to the rear panel and also the awning leg.
So onto CIL to find if they had a preferred repairer on the Gold Coast, but no, so I went to Platinum Repairers in Currumbin who did some minor rust repairs earlier in the year. Eventually after some prodding I have received authority to get the repairs done and will be without the bus for a week.
Part of the policy allows up to $100 per day for accommodation but no help for transport, didn't need the accommodation but couldn't swap to get car for the week. So here I am still living the good life in June's spare room, easy walking distance to The Pines Shopping Centre Elanora. Learning new cooking skills and generally being well looked after, falling on my feet yet again.
Everything that I wanted to do on the coast has been done and friends visited so I can relax for a few days before heading south. John
Thanks for the best wishes, here is the latest on the bus repairs.
Friday afternoon and I went for a walk to see how the repairer was going with the bus and found that the panel beating had been done and the primer applied. Leaving the painting and the awning still to be done, so all was going well and I have been given a revised collection date of Monday afternoon. If all goes well I will be off Tuesday morning initially towards Grafton to meet up with Paul and take it from there. John
Oh yes there is a thong tree at Greens but we don't want to stir up more discussion about that, it has been done to death.
Collected the bus this afternoon and did the grocery shopping and will be ready for the off in the morning, have had a great time on the Gold Coast but am ready to resume my nomadic lifestyle. John