I'm getting pretty good results with this. My brain fog which was probably MCI starting and other health problems like aches and pains are much improved. It seemed too simple at first but the science behind it is good. I read several evidence based research articles before giving it a go. It's because of the medium chain fatty acids which the brain in particular really needs. You take 2-4 tablespoons a day replacing other oils in your diet. You can also make chocolate fudge or add it to porridge. Just buy it in the supermarket. Anyone else tried it?
It is all the rage in health food shops at the moment. Our hosts recommended it to rub on to sores, skin lesions etc, they claim good results, even for psoriasis.
Had some chips cooked in it at the Murgon markets a few weeks ago. tasted good.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!
I'm getting pretty good results with this. My brain fog which was probably MCI starting and other health problems like aches and pains are much improved. It seemed too simple at first but the science behind it is good. I read several evidence based research articles before giving it a go. It's because of the medium chain fatty acids which the brain in particular really needs. You take 2-4 tablespoons a day replacing other oils in your diet. You can also make chocolate fudge or add it to porridge. Just buy it in the supermarket. Anyone else tried it?
How do you take it, straight or mixed with something?? I have heard other recommending it but not too sure myself.
Used to use coconut oil to get a good tan - if you had fair skin, and just want a rosy glow, mix with a drop of cochineal, for a darker tan, add coca cola to the oil. This was back in the days when sunbaking was not frowned on, and a nice tan made you feel healthy!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Google coconut oil look at 101 uses for coconut oil, good stuff. It's to only thing you can put in every hole in your body. I had cooked a stir fry, put to much chilli in, it didn't burn my bum but burned in my eyes, sooo h tried coconut oil in my eyes, just a little on my finger on the inside of the lid, instead relief. So you can put coconut oil in every hole in your body