my wife and I were only a week into our trip when I came down with shingles
Three weeks on still suffering and just waiting for a sign that I might be on the mend.
I have heard of people having shingles many times including my father and never gave it
another thought because it sounds like a simple thing without too much a fuss.
Well was I wrong. It is possibly the worst thing I have ever exprienced.
The pain is so debilitating that you simply can't carry on.
You have to dose up with Panadeine Forte and a various nerve drugs just to move around.
Unfortunatly this disease is a flow on from Chicken Pox and if you have had it as a child you have a chance of
getting it usually from the age of fifty. Stress and a low or weak immune system can bring it on.
So if you feel pain in the lower back that moves around to the front and your skin is painful and sensitive to touch
check your back for a rash that forms only on one side of the spine.
This occurs because the virus that causes shingles has in most cases layed dorment in the lower spine
and it travels through one major nerve left or right of the spine.
If you feel you have shingles get to a doctor or hospital to go onto a treatment that is most effective
only if used within the first few days.
So having said all that, I am still puting up with this nasty, bloody horrible thing.
if you have Shingles my sympathies go out to.
If you have had it, maybe you have a story or advise to share.
Cheers Len
My eldest son got shingles while living in Perth in his early 20s. He still has the scars to show for it at 45 yrs. He said it was the worst experience he had been through.
My mothers left eye was effected and as a result lost most sight in that eye. She refused any treatment due to her tough ill battle through attitude. We did manage to get her to a Dr. but she denied having any pain or discomfort Even though is was obvious to everyone she was in trouble. The Dr. Congratulated her for being his worst patient for the year.
My friend has had shingles for quite a while - he also has cancer (for the fourth time I might add) - anyway, since having chemo the shingles have gone dormant, a good thing, I hope it stays that way for him. Not suggesting you look at having chemo - but there must be something in shingles that responds to chemo.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Thanks all for your comments
There's no denying that in spite of it's silly name it is a real mean disease
Hope you all stay well and enjoy your travels
Regards Len and Barb
I have heard since there is medication you can get but must be taken in a certain time frame to do good e.g. within 4 days of knowing you've got it. A doctor would confirm that.
My mother got shingles 2 years ago aged 84, it affected the right quadrant of her face and scalp. 2 years on she is still suffering the effects of nerve pain ( making it very painful for her to wash or comb her hair, even a breeze that blows a few hairs on her head causes pain) It is a shocking illness for anyone to get and the effects can last for years.
Shingles usually affect one group of nerves, in my mum it was facial nerves from the right cheekbone, right side of her nose, right eye and the right front area of her scalp. Others I know have had it affect areas of their chest or stomach or back....mums neighbour had shingles 22 years ago on his stomach and is still suffering nerve pain in the area. Mum had no pain in her body, she came home from grocery shopping-no pain anywhere, unlocked her front door and as she walked thru the door she said it suddenly felt like someone dropped a pallet of bricks on her head...suffered a massive headache for 3 days just taking Panadol before she told anyone so a nerve pain in the back is not necessarily the first sign. My advice to anyone is at the first sign of unexplained pain is to go to the doctors as soon as possible....better to waste the doctors time for something minor than to suffer the short and long term effects of shingles
Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.
I had shingles Jan 2013 and even though the pain was gone in a few weeks I still suffer terrible itching on the torso and am often seen rubbing my back against a pole or door frame. Despite a visit to outpatients who diagnosed the pain as muscular and several visits to the GP who after 4 days ordered xrays it was actually the radiologist who suggested shingles by which time it was too late for the medication.
And now our 13yr old grandson has just been diagnosed with shingles - over the last year or so he has had what the GP thought was chickenpox twice and a staph infection - now saying it is shingles and though he is feeling OK is not allowed at school till blisters have gone.
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
The Driver developed shingles several years ago when we were working in the Pilbara. Initially he thought he'd pulled a muscle working, and the itch was heat rash. He was sweating a lot as it was around 40 degrees every day. Paramedic at the camp diagnosed pulled muscle. By the time he called into Emergency at Port Hedland hospital, it was too late for the injection. It really laid him low and was about 6 months before he began to feel anywhere his normal energy levels.
He has had a recurrence since but got the injection in time and so was not badly affected.
He has just had an injection of a vaccine that should prevent any serious future occurrences. It cost a couple of hundred dollars but he reckons will be worth it.
Do feel for you Len. Yes, I have had shingles and they are no joke. Mine were in my head, face and throat and almost lost the sight of one eye. Hayypwanderer is correct when he said you have to start medication within 4 days as this helps to stop the lesions spreading. Have to say that it didn't seem to help me though. The only thing I found were pain killers but also lots of bed rest. I couldn't even get my head off the pillow for 2 weeks. I was lucky to have a very supportive husband who nursed me through. I now find that if I become overtired for any reason pain will appear where I had the shingles so be careful you don't over do. This is 5 years ago. Also the cold wind sometimes effects the area as well. You will recover but it will take time. I wish you well in your recovery.
Hi hope you are on the mend. I have had it 3 times now and one thing I have learnt is "at the first hint that it may be active again, I go to the dr.". and get treated. it usually is in the same spot so I am on red alert now. the last 2 times I caught it before it got bad with little hassle.