lots of info in here if you do a search and come up with nothing then pop a question into the general section of this forum
usually someone on here to have a chat with. We enjoy the GN times as well, always a good read.
We are a crazy lot in here at times and wander off topic a lot usually just to have a chat.
The chief of cheer might come along soon and welcome you
enjoy your time with us Grey nomads
Kathy and Frank currently at Home near Quirindi NSW
A warm welcome to the forum Geoff there are a great number of very experienced people here who will happily provide any advice or help you need, we hope you enjoy your time on the forum and out in the big playground
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time