I'm the Vice-President of the ROTARY NOMADS, a Rotary E-Club. Our members are based across Australia and we meet weekly online. Most members own RVs and some of them live in their RVs full time, as I am sure many of you do.
Our club operates like a "normal" Rotary club, except we meet online rather than face-to-face (the only club where you can attend the meetings in your PJs)!!!
It's a great life because we get to help others in our travels across Australia. Our website:
We are Rotarians and as such we are welcomed at Rotary Clubs throughout Australia at their weekly meetings. We provide community service in our travels and act as volunteers for other Rotary Clubs (our Partner Rotary Clubs) and service organisations. This community service might be provided by an individual Rotary Nomad or a group of Rotary Nomads.
Importantly, we have fun. We mix with, volunteer with, and socialise with Rotarians and community members from all walks of life! The photos below are a recent sample of just some of our activities.
If you are interested in the idea, have a look at our web-site which has full details about the club and how you can join!!