Once again I come back to my very knowledgeable Nomad associates!
Would anyone know the physical dimensions of the Foxtel IQ3 box? I have tried Foxtel and watched myself getting older while I waited and waited and waited and then was disconnected.
I have Googled operating manuals and user guides but can't find anything. it's probably in there somewhere however I can't find it.
I have a IQ3 Foxtell box and just took the measurements for you.... Length = 40 cm. Height 6 cm and the depth = 24 cm + a couple of cm for the connections in/out of the back of the IQ3.
Be careful with that box.
even the Installer who did mine installed an IQ2 in the system 5 months ago.
He said he not doing anymore 3's. too many come back.
He's had to replace near every one he installed so far.
I dumped the system There's nothing worth having apart from a coupla TV series.
$145 pm for three shows a week.
I get movies from Pirate bay and You Tube.
and watch news when normal arial picks it up/
Sat dish sat in shed for around 6 yrs now.
When internet in range. T'Box for tv. TV Catchup, plus You Tube. Presto and Rugby
Otherwise movies or music.
Second hand second gen T'Box Ebay $47. usually around $100.
Do not be conned into the little Sqare first gen t box.
They superceded and no repairs anymore.
It stops you dump it. After removing Laptop 350/400gig hard from rear.
I have never had a major problem with my IQ3. Sure it has locked up once or twice ( just like any computer controlled devise) . All i have done is to turn the main power off for 10 sec and then turn back on.The box re boots and all good. I've had my IQ3 for 18 months now and this has been the only glitch.