Eight years ago I purchased a two door Suzuki, a two man tent and a Canon SLD. I had a love for photography, Geocaching and roaming around the South West of Western Australia. Between a family, shift work in a refinery I did manage to travel some of the local region.
Experience was great and organisation was the key with such a fancy rig to start with.
Four years ago I really got flash and purchased a old 6*4 camper trailer. The old type where a fibreglass box sat on the trailer containing a bed and a fold out canvas extension. It was water proof and my Ford Ranger could pull it anywhere. From Bunbury To Millstream and Karijini. Albany to Kalgoorlie I managed once again to get a few trips in.
For now the family and wife have all moved on to other things. I retired from that refinery recently and for the last few years have worked and looked after my mother who now is in home care. So once again I have changed rig and circumstances.
Lashed out and purchased a 3.2 Litre six speed Ford Ranger. In four weeks I will get my hands on a 2006 Coramal Corvair Caravan. Wow look out world. Now where I am going, no idea! I plan to do some local trips since I have a rather steep learning curve in front of me. Never towed a caravan. Once I feel confident its quite possible that a extended trip around the country may be on the engender next year.
So I will listen to advice, talk the skin off a rice pudding as my Gran would say and hopefully catch up with some folks.
G'day Charlieark, and welcome to the forum. Great folks and advice on here. I would suggest either getting a towing course, or joining a caravan club - who often give courses to members.
Welcome to the forum charleark, you bring back some old memories by mentioning Millstream spent a few lost weekends out there when we lived in Dampier in the late 70s early eighties. Really enjoyed the drive out from the coast via the Wittenoom Road from Whim Creek with a customary rest stop at Python Pool, great swimming holes at Millstrream, usually had a roast dinner and a few beers sitting on the verandah at the old Millstream homestead. The only difference was in those days we had a 2 door 4WD Diahatsu, a 2 man tent and a super 8 video camera - I forgot and an Engel car fridge that just held a carton of Emu Lager nicely.
From one newish member to another - Welcome Charleark. You are just down the road from me at the other end of the Coalfields highway. May see you at a campsite somewhere in the south west.
I did enjoy Millstream. I did the trip in a old camper trailer, rough but serviceable. I was told that the stream itsself is gradually getting smaller due to water being syphoned off to other places.
And it's welcome from us two 2 Charleark
Enjoy your travels
When the power of Love becomes greater than the love of power the World will see peace ! 24ft Trailblazer 5th wheeler n 05 Patrol ute and Black Series Dominator camper trailer ( for the rough stuff)
I hope that I am not too late to welcome you to the forum
You asked for general advice and as a towing course has already been suggested I can only say that if you give yourself plenty of time to get from one place to another, and drive at a speed which you are comfortable with, it will be less stressful.
In my vehicle, I have found that 90/95 KPH, is the speed to go, safety wise, because of the side winds
A two way radio is a handy thing, I use it to let the truckie behind me know that I will be pulling over to let them pass, ASAP My two way radio is only a hand held one, only good for a few kilometres range. My theory is, that the truckie behind me, will have to be close enough to read my name, so that they know they are talking to the correct RV
I do not worry about the cars behind, as they should be able to go fast enough, to pass me safely I find on occasions that a car driver will be too timid to overtake. This will soon result in a train of cars behind. When I have four cars behind, who have been there for more than ten minutes, I will put my left indicator on, slow down and drive to the far left of the road that I safely can. The car drivers who know why I am doing it, give me a wave, or a toot, as they pass
Thx for the advise and welcome. I am open to all suggestions. Only way to learn and I have plenty to learn. Two weeks till I get my van. Can't wait. Then I'll have a few questions nodout.