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Low cost generator

Now before I progress, would all "non generator" lovers please put on your eye shades (or just ignore my post) wink. For anyone interested, I noticed recently a generator called a Lumik Pure Sine Wave Inverter 2.8kVA / 3.3kVA on sale for $659 through a web site called "My". May be worth a look if you do not wont to outlay the cost of a Honda (or the like). All species are listed on the web site.  I have a Honda, but have experienced purchasing other items from this web site and have had no problems. OK, all the solar lovers can now raise the eye shades smile


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The link appears to be incorrect.



"I beseech you in the bowels of Christ think it possible you may be mistaken"

Oliver Cromwell, 3rd August 1650 - in a letter to the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland


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Sorry about that. Just google "my deal" and search Pure Sine Wave Inverter Generator. Bit more effort on key strokes but you will get there. It worked for me.


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the British and European Elders past and present, who introduced civil society and prosperity to Australia. 

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Try this



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Yeah .. or thissun -

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan

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Kings4x4s have a low cost gene. Have seen one in operation,reasonably quiet.
Kings generator 2kva $379.00 now. Google kings products.



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OR a compromise.

I'm running a Chinese 3.8kva for around 6 yrs now Home after Cyclones and van every yr.
never missed a beat.
mate uses same model for his contract chippies on site.

Also There are a couple Aust ones their alternator on end of Honda 3.5hp engine.
I gave mine to mate for his blocks water pump after around 35 yrs and he still running it. 2 solenoids for me. Head shave and valves lapped for him with a set of rings\shells.
Good for another 30 hey.

I paid 650 for it at 12 mths old. Owner died and he paid $1150 for it.
Had about 3 hrs on it.
Got plenty from me on yacht. 1.8kva 1.5 cont.

Full price. 2\3rds or 1\4.
Take your pick.



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Low cost generator probably = noisier than expensive generator.


Cheers Keith & Judy

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Check out the caravan and motorhome mag , they did extensive independent testing . Not all cheap gene are noisey . You have to be select in your choice . I get slightly less noise with my 1.5kvgene when compared to the 2.0kv Honda The Primus Atomic 1.5kv Cost me 450$ .. The key is to have done test 1/4 , 1/2, full load at 7mtr on all 4 sides of gene not on the quietest side only . Quiet mode makes little difference .[maybe to the sound type but not the level db]



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If you go to a Exhaust bloke or generator place.

Find\make, a larger exh with same manifold flange.
Stuff yours with Stainless sink washer mesh, etc.
You've got yourself a quieter Genny.

It's easy to quieten them down.

I run mine into a bowl of water, (ext pipe) full of holes.
When others around.

Manifold. Short S\S Flexy, with length of coiled 1 1\4in pipe full of holes, end blanked.

Don't even sound like a genny. and shallowish water longer pipe.
Not enough back pressure to affect anything.
Make a longer sect of pipe and play with length to get right.

Play with, from  Flexy\manifold end.

Then weld\clamp it together when right.
With end cap, Or Half cover. on end. 
and you away.

I started at 1 m. ended up with just over 20in. Just right.

Bench drill, 1\4in Long bit.

Drill holes every inch or so. right through

spiralling from manifold end from where it enters water.

Hey. we retired.

Time is free. Plus little things interesting. I find.


One I made, was a piece of stainless sheet out of shed.

Folded, 8 x 6in . 1 1\2 ish deep. Can make any depth.

Length of that size strap welded round it.

with hole to suit Manifold pipe and coupla tangs stitched on..

Laser cut hole first at plate shop.

Filled with several dividers. shorter at opposing ends and filled with aforementioned s\s wool.

To break run of gasses.

Weld on Manifold. Clamp round.

Neat and effective.


It's EASY to silence them if you think.

Look at motorbike pipes and get started.

One mate. 5kva Frame mount genny.

. Has a mini bike full pipe on his. Quiet as..

You could sit a mtr away from and read paper.

Just stuffing pipe. or finding a Hard,

Styrene vegie box that covers it.

Cut a few holes for air input on opposite side and drop over,

quietens it.


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Exhaust noise is only part of the problem.
Intake noise are either under or over baffled . Some baffling effects carby operation either to rich or to lean particularly on the cheaper gene .
engine cooling fan noise .
thin walled castings /weight have an absorbtion effect or at least make it deeper sounding .
In saying that many gene do respond well to having at least the exhaust done .



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I have fitted sound deadening around hard serfaces in fixed geni in motorhome . Wrapt exhaust with fibreglass cloth to keep heat and noise down . I found on the other side where step vent is . I insulated the hard area there . Believe it . Made noise coming inside much much quieter ., When we had external geni ? We found digging a trench and fitting a cover over made it super quiet . Yes the hole or trench needs to be large enough for cooling . This we used at Bathurst and other motoracing events . Out bush in the red dirt it was easy to dig a trench . Not that when you originally camp there's anyone around . It always surprises me how many pull up nearby overnight .

Whats out there


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This Lumik generator specs (RE) "noise levels" of 69DB's would be very noisy .



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You Got POWER.

Put a pr of earplugs in..

Keeps out the whingers too I believe.



Just remember to cut hole with other side sloping away.

The noise will bounce that way then.

-- Edited by macka17 on Sunday 7th of May 2017 01:30:08 PM



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Surely in this day and age with the amount of Rvs on the road there must be a way of making a super quite generator ,maybe an insulated box with design to let the thing breath...

for gods sake macka were all not going to be running around like bloody idiots with ear plugs in when you come to town are we that's stupidity at the highest level biggrin

-- Edited by Ron-D on Tuesday 9th of May 2017 09:31:03 AM



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Yes there is quiet generators. Usualy run with water cooled engines @ 1500RPM. Ive been around 20KV generators that were quieter than a Honda. Most of the noise is from air cooled engines, if you want to hear noise, just stand by an aircooled Deutz.



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DeBe wrote:

Yes there is quiet generators. Usualy run with water cooled engines @ 1500RPM. Ive been around 20KV generators that were quieter than a Honda. Most of the noise is from air cooled engines, if you want to hear noise, just stand by an aircooled Deutz.

Yes I used to look after a fleet of 22 Deutz gennies, can verify that for sure.

Some "boxes" constructed to attenuate sound from other wise quiet gennies, ACTUALLY WORK THE OPPOSITE WITH SOUND NOT ATTENUATED BUT REFLECTED OUT and addition sound from vibration if mounted on say rear bumper. 


Why is it so? Professor Julius Sumner Miller, a profound influence on my life, who explained science to us on TV in the 60's.


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""for gods sake macka were all not going to be running around like bloody idiots with ear plugs in when you come to town are we.
that's stupidity at the highest level"". big grin....""

Never know mate.

SOME.. Could be dumb enuff hey. chuckle.

There's NO such thing as a quiet Air cooled donk.

I've seen (but never bothered copying) some.

Ply. lined with egg boxes or Insul foam.
with inlet outlet at each end. Fan at one end. and slots at other
with proper exhaust mounted OUTside, Through side to suit,
for less internal heat effect.

Only on more permanent, Mobile units though.
Practically TOO bulky for us.


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While we're on the subject I'm about to install our 2kva Honda in a insulated box in the boot of our Hino motorhome and now want to attach an extension to the exhaust is there such a thing as flexible pipe that I can connect to the exhaust it only has to go about 500mm and how would it be connected?? Many thanks Danny and rosina



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This might assist -

Cheers - John


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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hino motorhome wrote:

While we're on the subject I'm about to install our 2kva Honda in a insulated box in the boot of our Hino motorhome and now want to attach an extension to the exhaust is there such a thing as flexible pipe that I can connect to the exhaust it only has to go about 500mm and how would it be connected?? Many thanks Danny and rosina

As John above has pointed out, flexible steel pipes are available for exhaust systems

My favourite vehicle a 1969 Austin 1800 MKII, had a flexible exhaust pipe from the engine to the main system, as per standard equipment

You could connect it by putting some exhaust type putty (from Supercheap/Repco shops), where you slip the flexible over the solid pipe, and tighten it with a steel hose clamp

Just remember that it will get hot



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Theres flexible stainless exhaust out there .. just requires support .. The ridges act as noise baffles ..NEVER have exhaust facing down unless you want to start grass fires .. As I found out with our old motorhome !! Sure brings your heart rate up ! No passmaker required !!

Whats out there
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