Im getting little bubbles, about the size of a 10 cent piece, under the paint on the side of my aluminium van. Looks like wates is getting under the paint and causing corrosion.
Does anyone have any ideas what's causing this and what to do with the corrosion. Does rust converter work on aluminium?
There is a possibility then that the corrosion evident may be the site of an old repair.If this is the case you will need to strip the panel,prime and respray. White is the cheapest of the auto paint colours.
Are you sure it's the paint and not under the aluminium skin ? Avan, a few years ago were renowned for delamination issues due to a some sort of glue or faulty lamination issue.
Get s pro or caravan outlet to check it out . Fixing it and what is causing it can be two different things ? Had a alloy boat . Had some old 1 & 2c coins dropped between ribs . It caused corrosion big time . Lucky we can weld alloy ! Easy fix . But we could have repaired and left the cause there !!