I read a topic posted by old bob on 29th December 2015 in relation to a whining noise in a Ford Ranger posted by Old Bob.
My problem is very similar in the BT 50. When towing after about 1 hr. on warm days, on slowing down a whine is audible in the cabin, is present for a short time and then disappears. I have had the noise continue after pulling up and then disappear when turned off.
I have tried to replicate the noise for dealers to hear to no avail, I have moved the selector to neutral when the noise appears but it continues for a short time and then disappears. Only evident at lower speeds IE 2nd and 3rd gears on slowing down except for the occasion mentioned above when it continued even when stopped. I have noticed that on occasions a revving of the motor will make it disappear.
I was hoping that old bob might have had a resolution to his problem which might assist me in troubleshooting mine.
New to the forum , feeling my way, hope someone may be able to assist.
I would check out the Thermatic fan. May not be noticeable at higher speeds due to road and wind noise. When stationary and noise is audible turn off ignition to see if noise ceases within a couple of seconds. Worth a try. Cheers Allen
The whine is from a fan in the emission control system. The fan extracts unburnt gases and stores them in a canister. When you start up again the gases are released into the ignition and burnt.
Hi twodd , was somewhat random on my 2012 xtr auto(now sold), but was assured it part of the Mazda/ford thing. lots of good infro on " Ozmazda Forum" which has a good search function in BT50 section. cheers Craig
I was interested to see there was an Ozmazda forum. I found someone there has a Whining noise as well http://www.ozmazda.com/board/index.php/topic/22504-whining-noise-in-bt-50-when-towing/
To err is human but to really mess things up, you need a computer.