I have one of these set up apart from mounting. Got it working yesterday and after resetting the tanks to zero I can't get it to show liters per minute. It does not come up with the previous default setting after rebooting the 12v power. It shows a spanner and sounds an alarm. The "Chinglish" instructions took me a while to sort through!! All happy until this quirk happened.
Just a quirk which I stumbled on when I installed solenoids for tank switching. I chose to power the solenoids from the pump positive - working on the theory that when the pump is on I need to have a solenoid selected! Problem is that leaving the pump powered up all day, meant that the solenoid was drawing a small amount of power, but enough to notice a slight voltage drop. So changed the pump switch to a pneumatic one which only stays on for 5 mins!
Maybe your system is smarter than the one I used - me!
Just a quirk which I stumbled on when I installed solenoids for tank switching. I chose to power the solenoids from the pump positive - working on the theory that when the pump is on I need to have a solenoid selected! Problem is that leaving the pump powered up all day, meant that the solenoid was drawing a small amount of power, but enough to notice a slight voltage drop. So changed the pump switch to a pneumatic one which only stays on for 5 mins!
Maybe your system is smarter than the one I used - me!