Yesterday we were going to fire up our backyard BBQ but when we turned the gas on at the bottle we noticed a massive gas leak at the regulator.
A constant jet of gas was leaking out of a hole in the regulator. At first we thought that it was a puncture hole but then realized that it was supposed to be there.
We fired up our Companion Double Wok Burner instead & all was well. We looked at the regulator on it & it has a hole as well.
We've been camping for over 40 years & have never noticed that all regulators seem to have holes in them?
What does the hole do & how can we fix the leaking one if at all, please?
Here's a photo of the leaking one.
Cheers Keith & Judy
Don't take life too seriously, it never ends well.
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The diaphragm in the regulator has a hole in it if its leaking gas out of that hole. Just replace the reg. All gas reg have that hole as there has to be atmospheric pressure on that side of the diaphragm & gas pressure on the otherside.
-- Edited by DeBe on Saturday 27th of January 2018 03:12:39 PM
The diaphragm in the regulator has a hole in it if its leaking gas out of that hole. Just replace the reg. All gas reg have that hole as there has to be atmospheric pressure on that side of the diaphragm & gas pressure on the otherside.
-- Edited by DeBe on Saturday 27th of January 2018 03:12:39 PM