Can you open the back of the plug on the end of the mic cord? Could be a dry joint(s) or broken wire(s).
The cable clamp should be tight - if it has loosened off slightly, the individual wires may have been stressed.
If you don't get it done today, there's always tomorrow!
Yes, we had the same problem with our Oricom UHF, also the screen began to fade so you couldn't see what channel you were on. The radio was just still under the 3 year warranty so after contacting Oricom and posting the radio back to them, they promptly sent me a brand new one, complete, in the box, which I gave to my son in-law, and I bought a good quality Aussie made GME radio. The NEW Oricom that I gave to my son in law had a broken mangled conection box, straight out of the box. He had to go buy a new one.