I managed to break a bedside lamp. Didn't like it anyway so I'm after a new matching pair. Only problem I'm noticing is that very few of the lamps are vented. In fact the globe appears to be enclosed. The broken one is vented around the rim of the globe and at the back. Even at 2-3W I'm not sure about a non-vented lamp inside.
Are others out there using a lamp in which the globe is enclosed with no air circulating about? Below is what appears to be a lamp with a totally enclosed globe.
Led globes do not run as hot as incandescent and halogen.While a flow through of air is an advantage I would be looking at what Road tech Marine and jay car have.There are plenty of different varieties out there. Just keep looking.
We have 2 of these, re-charge with USB once a month or so.
No good for our van as lights are screwed to wall. However, reckon I may get some for no other reason is that they look great. Have several ideas where they will work better than what I already have.
After looking in a few vans in a Jayco lot, I ordered a pair of these. I paid a few $ more as this was the only place that I could get a pair this side of 4 weeks.