I have just finished installing a PPAP Diesel heater and Im having some issues. It seams the ECU is the main cause and the seller is sending a new one.
My question is about the operation of the fuel pump.
When I primed the system and applied power direct to the fuel pump it clicked once then stopped. By continuing this process, apply then disconect then apply, I have been able to prime the system.
From my experience I expected that when I energised the pump it would run continuosly till it reached pressure.
Is this a correct assumption or does the ECU drive the pump by energising then disconnecting?
Hi Bruce Mc
I too finished installing my ppap 3kw diesel heater today. My pump and tank are rigged in a tempory position tuntil i decide on final location spot. My pump clicked regularly after i increased the upward angle to aprox 40deg plane the flame ignited.
I have decided to purchase a longer length of diesel pipe and wiring and put the tank on the rear bumper as there is a perfect spot on the side of the toolbox.
I only installed 1 heater outlet as with the heater under the bed it is in a perfect position blowing down the centre aisle in my grant tourer 19 ft van, the only minor problem is how to use the functions on the led handset. As i only fired it up at 5.00pm i thought i would tidy up at 7.00pm only to find a very cosy van at 22 degrees. We had managed to set the timer in error but hope we (AS IN Anne) has fixed the problem, i will check again shortly.
I was a little concerned after initial startup as the sound of the exhaust kept rising in tempo and although not as loud as our ibis aircon it was definitely loud enough, however as the heat built up the fan slows considerably hence the noise drops to a low purr which is just audible.
First impressions are good with the only problem was a broken wire in the wire going to the pump, i must say if it performs in the future as well as at startup we will be very happy campers.
Good luck
Now i have a problem working out how to use the digital controller. On and off i have managed, but the timer seems to have a default setting and with no instructions can't workout how to clear. Can anyone help.