If it is that battery in the listing I'd be very sceptical. The blurb about cycle life means the seller actually knows nothing about lithium batteries and the claim it can be charged just like any other battery is also a stretch of the truth. There is no way they could fit the control gear required for charger control inside the battery case and further more there are no connections for the charger control that would be required if it really did have a proper BMS inside. The fact you can not see what each cell voltage is and no way of replacing a single cell if one dies due to the BMS not being as good as they think it is, this could become a rather expensive battery.
In reality, there is no such thing as a drop in lithium battery that will last for the expected cycle life a proper lithium battery set up will achieve. If the seller claims you can connect 2 or more 100Ah lithium batteries in parallel or any capacity lithium battery in parallel, give them a miss because they honestly do not have a clue.
I've had quite few through the door now with multiple "drop in" batteries in parallel and not working like the salesman said they would. One customer had spent a lot of money chasing shadows because no one understood the problem because they didn't understand the fundamental difference between lithium and lead acid batteries. One battery had died after 7 mths of a 24 mth warranty yet the seller required a lot of pressure applied to replace it but refused to replace its partner. After a mth the replacement battery started to do the same thing. It didn't take long to diagnose the problem but quite a bit longer to get it to a state where the owners could stop worrying about the battery and go back to enjoying the travelling.
Lithium batteries are supposed to make free camping a worry free pleasure, you need to deal with people who really do understand what is required to set the system up properly and a "just jumped on the lithium bandwagon" seller isn't the person that can do that because they should know you can't just drop in a battery and go
T1 Terry
-- Edited by T1 Terry on Sunday 10th of June 2018 07:20:36 PM
You can lead a head to knowledge but you can't make it think. One day I'll know it all, but till then, I'll keep learning.
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This type of battery is now being sold in retail shops, in the South West of Western Australia
The shopkeepers are saying something about advanced battery management, and that you can charge them from any normal battery charger
I just hope that not too many people get their fingers burnt
This is quite possibly the same seller as the example I mentioned earlier where they didn't want to replace the battery after 7 mths saying the owner had done something wrong, then said they were never to be fitted in parallel to which the owner replied that their agent sold him 2 batteries and the cables to connect them in parallel .... they ran out of excuses at about that point but would only replace the completely stuff one, not the other one.
T1 Terry
You can lead a head to knowledge but you can't make it think. One day I'll know it all, but till then, I'll keep learning.
Any links to any sites or products is not an endorsement by me or do I gain any financial reward for such links