Have a electric flush toilet (thetford) in the van, not flushing when knob is depressed, found 10amp fuse underneath & it checked out o.k. has been working fine up till now, any thoughts?
Thanks for info Peter, I found a 10amp fuse in the cassett compartment, checked it with multimeter Which showed it was blown, pried the fuse apart & found the metal bar intact, not blown.
Closer look at the fuse blades showed a light film on them, put it back together & cleaned the blades & thought ,your a clever rabbit, found the problem, checked switch terminals & power was there so put all back together & still did,nt work!
Will pull pump out tomorrow as per Your suggestion which most likely will be the trouble, would never have known it was accessible from that location,
Will update on progress,
Model is c2, as Peter said problem was seized pump, has,nt been used for a while, easy enought fix when you know where to look, thanks for the help guys, much appreciated,
Happy Wife,,, happy life,
All good, pump was stuck, sprayed impellor with silicon & a poke with small screwdriver brought it back to life, at least I now know there is a 10amp fuse in the cassette compartment,