I have started a new thread to avoid disturbing the original discussion on another thread. We could have a useful discussion on this subject.
On another thread there was a comment made that MPPT controllers/regulators will boost the voltage from the solar panels when it is too low to a higher figure enough to charge the battery. It has been claimed before ! I would like people who believe this, to give me the brands/models of any sold that they believe do this. Restricted to units sold for mobile use please not large house units.
We all know that DC to DC chargers do this as part of their normal function. Some may have an auxilary function of taking a solar input and charging the battery with that also. Again any brands/models known that are capable of accepting solar and boosting the voltage of the solar panels.
I am genuinely interested and will look at the specs for any brands/models mentioned to see if they will do this voltage boosting as I do not know of any that actually do this.
I would be happier too if this did not get into a useless discussion about relative merits of other things. We could move the knowledge base along a bit if we add all our information together.
Thanks for those two references. As far as I understand the specs, they both make some boost Mppt reg/controllers but they are not regular units for 'normal' charging use. Both offer other models for that. The "boost" models are for charging higher voltage batteries from lower voltage panels. As specified the panel voltage must always be below the battery voltage
Those two manufacturers do not make a unit which will do normal MPPT charging and then do a 'boost' to panel voltage if needed.
Keep the suggestions coming in please.
PS generally speaking if the 'normal' panel voltage drops too low then it is not worth boosting the voltage as the power available is so low anyway, almost nothing.