Hi I have a Regent caravan and the ceiling panels have developed some minor cracks in the vinyl (or whatever the sheeting is covered with). Cracks have developed in 2 of the sheets (so far). The dealer, Green RV, have agreed to replace the 2 damaged panels under warranty. However I am concerned that this is a fault in the particular type of panel and somewhere down the track other panels may also crack.
Has anyone else had this problem?
I have a nearly 10 year old Windsor van which has similar cracking, mainly around the doorway ceiling panels. I assumed it was due to movement of the door frame as I have taken the van on some pretty rough roads/tracks which it wasn't made for. (The joys of saying "lets go down there anyway"). The panels seem to be structurally sound but the covering has cracked.
Is your damage around the doorway or elsewhere?
I am currently looking into replacing the damaged area and would appreciate any input from others with regards to sourcing new panelling and advice on repair proceedures.
I have had similar issues and had several panels replaced under warranty over 4 years . I believe its a fault with the panels . I think you should negotiate a " lifetime warranty " for this problem.
Remember, the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Warranty our van is two years ,individual appliances might carry individual warranty but thats not usually over two years,so as far as Iam concerned now the van is three years old,every thing from now on is out of my own pocket,these cracks in the sealing would be only warranted for two years one would think,hope Iam wrong be interesting to find out....
Try another material over ? If theres no warranty . Our roof in m home was a white carpet like . It started crumbling apart and couldnt be cleaned . We replaced it with similar supposedly better Covering . Insulates better . Well it wont crack !!