If you are seeing 12.7 to 12.75 volts, a few hours after you have stopped charging, then the AGM battery is OK
I have 2 x Bosch 120 AH AGM batteries
I see over 13 volts, about one hour after the sun has gone down, and 12.7 volts, before the dawn arrives, and I have a 12 volt compressor fridge
The open circuit resting voltage of a battery will vary according to the electrolyte temperature. I prefer to use the charts in Bill Jarden's website. See this page - HOW DO I TEST A BATTERY?
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
Thanks for all that Peter - excellent, fully documented information covering almost every aspect of a battery.
From a fairly quick read, it seems that, dependent on temperature, a fully charged AGM will be 'about' 12.6V to 12.8V.
As a complete moron when it comes to this sh!t, and all I can do is look at the gauges provided with the solar system, if it says 13.4V on float, and when the big bright light in the sky goes to sleep, and charging has finished, and at 9pm at night, the gauge says 12.7V, then I can tuck myself up in bed, safe in the realisation that the battery, for that moment at least, is quite probably fully charged.
I think that is all the OP asked ... and all I would ever need to know.
Why does it ALWAYS need to get so damned complicated when a question is asked.
It's like asking what time it is and getting a 48 page manual on how to design and build a clock.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan