I purchased a new deep cycle battery which was fitted a few weeks ago. Whilst camping off the grid I noticed it was discharging but no recharge coming through the solar and regulator.
On another topic I noticed that some people need to reset the regulator.Everything was working ok before the change of battery.
Thanks for starting a new thread to discuss this. We would need more details on the type of regulator and possibly some details on the solar size and battery to give good answers.
But here is my suggestion to start. The regulator has a procedure to connect the wires correctly so it works properly and does not damage it. Look in your book !! But usually you must disconnect the loads first, the solar second, and then the battery last. Leave it for some minutes, then reconnect the battery first, leave it a minute to go through its procedures, then the solar, then the load last. This should reset most regulators.
It is possible when the battery was fitted they did not use this procedure. If it does not work then you will need to check it more to find out why. Good quality regulators will be protected against faulty connection but may get confused and not startup charging. Poor quality ones may blow a "transistor".
Thanks for the reply. When the battery was fitted it was out with the old and in with the new. No disconnection of anything except the leads from the old battery.
Thanks for the reply. When the battery was fitted it was out with the old and in with the new. No disconnection of anything except the leads from the old battery.
That is your problem.
As explained previously, you MUST connect the solar and load AFTER connecting the battery. If you did not disconnect the solar and load then it became confused.